00:00 - 00:05

hey there everyone my name is AES and

00:02 - 00:07

welcome to the backend Series so we are

00:05 - 00:09

pretty happy with the backend series and

00:07 - 00:11

the progress that we have made so far

00:09 - 00:13

it's been a quite fun Journey now we

00:11 - 00:15

want to structure this journey into much

00:13 - 00:17

more uh production oriented so that you

00:15 - 00:19

can also build a product and can push it

00:17 - 00:22

to the production now one of the key

00:19 - 00:23

ingredient of building such product

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which are going to see a day in a life

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in the production uh the most important

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part is uh how we are going to structure

00:28 - 00:33

the data as a back engineer it's very

00:31 - 00:35

important for you to understand the

00:33 - 00:37

problem statement pick out what data we

00:35 - 00:39

want to store in the database now at

00:37 - 00:41

initial phase it doesn't really matter

00:39 - 00:44

that the database of choice is going to

00:41 - 00:45

be SQL or no SQL or which one is better

00:44 - 00:47

it doesn't really matter at the initial

00:45 - 00:49

phase when you're especially building uh

00:47 - 00:51

just an MVP the most viable product so

00:49 - 00:53

that we can see how it's behaving and

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how our application is behaving the

00:53 - 00:56

scaling of the application is a

00:55 - 00:58

different challenge altogether and we

00:56 - 00:59

are not here to talk about that

00:58 - 01:02

challenge most of the databases whether

00:59 - 01:04

SQL or no SQL can have easily uh a

01:02 - 01:06

millions of users and once you have the

01:04 - 01:08

million user you can re architecture

01:06 - 01:10

your application pretty easily now one

01:08 - 01:12

of the goal is to understand the

01:10 - 01:14

application pick out the details and the

01:12 - 01:16

specific uh things from the problem

01:14 - 01:18

statement and figure out what

01:16 - 01:21

information about those products I would

01:18 - 01:22

like to store in my database for example

01:21 - 01:24

let's just say you want to build an

01:22 - 01:27

e-commerce application a specific

01:24 - 01:28

e-commerce application for whatever you

01:27 - 01:31

are trying to sell not all the

01:28 - 01:33

e-commerce like the the Amazon or maybe

01:31 - 01:36

flip cart or anything Which is popular

01:33 - 01:38

in your country but our goal is to

01:36 - 01:40

design a specific e-commerce in which

01:38 - 01:42

maybe you want to sell the phones or

01:40 - 01:45

maybe these remotes or my water bottle

01:42 - 01:47

whatever that is now for such kind of

01:45 - 01:48

e-commerce application of course the

01:47 - 01:50

categories are important maybe you are

01:48 - 01:52

selling different kind of bottles uh the

01:50 - 01:54

product itself is important but what

01:52 - 01:56

information about the product you want

01:54 - 01:58

to store uh maybe the weight of the

01:56 - 01:59

bottle the color of the bottle height of

01:58 - 02:01

the bottle is pretty important the

01:59 - 02:04

selling price of the bottle is important

02:01 - 02:05

the text price is important and once the

02:04 - 02:07

user has placed the order we want to

02:05 - 02:10

save information about the user but what

02:07 - 02:12

information name email ID their address

02:10 - 02:14

maybe their phone number maybe their PIN

02:12 - 02:15

code and once they have made the

02:14 - 02:18

transaction you want to store some

02:15 - 02:20

transaction information as well so the

02:18 - 02:22

first task is not to fire up your vs

02:20 - 02:25

code or your favorite code editor the

02:22 - 02:27

first task is simply to figure out what

02:25 - 02:30

information we'll be collecting and that

02:27 - 02:31

is known as from uh just thinking about

02:30 - 02:34

the problem statement or reading the

02:31 - 02:37

problem statement to moving into the

02:34 - 02:39

database or the database designing now a

02:37 - 02:41

lot of people in when they are learning

02:39 - 02:43

the back end they miss this step or kind

02:41 - 02:45

of Overlook that we're not going to do

02:43 - 02:47

that we'll be practicing enough so that

02:45 - 02:50

we understand that how the database are

02:47 - 02:52

being designed and what key information

02:50 - 02:53

is there and again yes there are formal

02:52 - 02:55

studies and books about it about the

02:53 - 02:57

database the normalization form and

02:55 - 02:59

whatnot I'm not going to go into that

02:57 - 03:01

this is not a university course this is

02:59 - 03:03

a YouTube video another YouTube video

03:01 - 03:05

but I'll give you enough of information

03:03 - 03:07

so that you feel comfortable about uh

03:05 - 03:10

the first step of building a complex

03:07 - 03:13

application in this video The Long video

03:10 - 03:14

we'll be practicing about three of such

03:13 - 03:16

applications where we are going to

03:14 - 03:18

design the backend for them or not the

03:16 - 03:19

back end but the database part of it and

03:18 - 03:21

then in the next video we'll walk

03:19 - 03:23

through that what we are about to build

03:21 - 03:26

and how we are architecturing uh that

03:23 - 03:28

application this data uh point is really

03:26 - 03:31

important and this will craft that what

03:28 - 03:34

uh what information or what activities

03:31 - 03:35

you can perform with these data points

03:34 - 03:37

so it's pretty interesting it's pretty

03:35 - 03:39

fun uh let me walk you through how we do

03:37 - 03:40

that and how I used to do that in the

03:39 - 03:44

earlier phase so let me share the screen

03:40 - 03:47

with you so this is uh this is a simple

03:44 - 03:49

tool known as eraser and uh we'll be

03:47 - 03:51

using throughout uh this entire

03:49 - 03:53

application eraser but again it's not

03:51 - 03:55

really important that we use eraser or

03:53 - 03:57

any other Tool uh there used to be other

03:55 - 03:59

tools which I used to use quite a lot so

03:57 - 04:01

let me just go ahead and walk you

03:59 - 04:05

through uh there used to be a moon

04:01 - 04:08

model Moon model I have used this quite

04:05 - 04:10

a lot it's a paid tool but pretty good

04:08 - 04:12

pretty Rock Solid I've used that in uh

04:10 - 04:14

some of the companies where I worked and

04:12 - 04:17

this helps you to design the database

04:14 - 04:18

even grab uh some scripts from it and

04:17 - 04:20

I'll walk you through how you can grab

04:18 - 04:23

the scripts out of uh not the exact

04:20 - 04:24

script but at least a basic idea of how

04:23 - 04:26

things are being done but in the

04:24 - 04:28

production special Pro uh environment

04:26 - 04:30

and the big companies we simply go ahead

04:28 - 04:32

and use things like this once we have

04:30 - 04:35

the entities their relationships and

04:32 - 04:37

everything figured out we can actually

04:35 - 04:40

just export this whole modeling into the

04:37 - 04:42

SQL or no SQL database whatever you like

04:40 - 04:45

uh one such alternative the free

04:42 - 04:47

alternative if is eraser which will help

04:45 - 04:48

us to design such database and we'll be

04:47 - 04:50

designing one here uh we'll start with

04:48 - 04:52

the basic to-do application the goal is

04:50 - 04:54

to and again we'll be doing three of

04:52 - 04:56

them so don't you worry we have enough

04:54 - 04:58

of material to practice around the first

04:56 - 05:00

one is to Simply design a symol too

04:58 - 05:02

application there will be task there

05:00 - 05:03

will be subtask and some user which will

05:02 - 05:05

be performing the task so we'll be going

05:03 - 05:08

through with that application that what

05:05 - 05:10

information I want to get uh how I want

05:08 - 05:12

to have a relationship between these

05:10 - 05:14

entities and all these things so in the

05:12 - 05:15

Eraser when you'll open the Eraser I'll

05:14 - 05:17

give you the Eraser Link in the next

05:15 - 05:19

video about what we are about to build

05:17 - 05:21

so in this eraser you can just go ahead

05:19 - 05:23

and click on this and just search for

05:21 - 05:26

the ER diagrams these are known as ER

05:23 - 05:27

diagrams entity relationships entities

05:26 - 05:30

are like products categories and

05:27 - 05:32

relationship is how they related to each

05:30 - 05:34

other I'll just select one of them and

05:32 - 05:36

this is how it gives you the sample

05:34 - 05:38

diagram and the first and important

05:36 - 05:40

thing is uh you can press this question

05:38 - 05:42

mark at the very bottom which says

05:40 - 05:44

syntax Helm and this helps you to

05:42 - 05:46

understand how these relationships are

05:44 - 05:49

written here there's a special language

05:46 - 05:51

which eraser use this language is not

05:49 - 05:54

going to be used in mango or any other

05:51 - 05:56

field but it will give us enough of idea

05:54 - 05:58

of how these things are being designed

05:56 - 06:00

there's nothing too much as you can see

05:58 - 06:02

we have this users

06:00 - 06:04

these are defined like this if you want

06:02 - 06:06

to be little bit fancy then you can just

06:04 - 06:07

uh mention couple of more things into

06:06 - 06:09

the users I'll walk you through with

06:07 - 06:11

that and if you have a one to many

06:09 - 06:13

relationship you can use this uh symbol

06:11 - 06:15

here wherever the small one points

06:13 - 06:17

that's one wherever the big one the two

06:15 - 06:20

end points are there that's many this is

06:17 - 06:21

how the language of this eraser works so

06:20 - 06:23

notice here this is one here is so it's

06:21 - 06:25

a many to one relationship this is one

06:23 - 06:27

to many relationship this is one to one

06:25 - 06:29

dash and this is many to many

06:27 - 06:30

relationships so pretty simple pretty

06:29 - 06:32

standard you can have some more

06:30 - 06:34

properties in the users you can call it

06:32 - 06:37

whatever you like users so we can have

06:34 - 06:39

an icon of user we can have a color if

06:37 - 06:41

you wish to have color purple we can

06:39 - 06:42

have diagram properties as well although

06:41 - 06:45

I'll not go much into that but this is

06:42 - 06:48

the help of how we can architecture the

06:45 - 06:49

application all right so as we can see

06:48 - 06:51

uh on the right hand side by the way if

06:49 - 06:53

you just click up here it doesn't appear

06:51 - 06:55

you have to double click on this so that

06:53 - 06:56

it appears on the right side so this is

06:55 - 06:59

code although they have ai as well that

06:56 - 07:01

can help you uh but I'll be using just

06:59 - 07:03

the code part not the AI at least in

07:01 - 07:05

this one so what we're going to do is uh

07:03 - 07:07

the first thing is let's build a simple

07:05 - 07:08

to-do application let's go ahead and

07:07 - 07:11

remove everything from here that's the

07:08 - 07:13

step one now let's see what entities we

07:11 - 07:15

are interested in into this one so the

07:13 - 07:17

first entity that I'm interested in is

07:15 - 07:19

obviously to-do so that's going to be my

07:17 - 07:21

entity number one and let's go ahead and

07:19 - 07:23

give it some icon as well so I'll just

07:21 - 07:25

go ahead and say icon probably I'll use

07:23 - 07:28

a list again you don't have to worry

07:25 - 07:30

about this this is just for fun uh no

07:28 - 07:32

such icons or list will be transferred

07:30 - 07:35

into your actual backend so I'll just go

07:32 - 07:37

ahead and this is my first entity now

07:35 - 07:40

what else do you want to have uh I guess

07:37 - 07:42

sadly we cannot zoom it much I'll try my

07:40 - 07:46

best so that it's visible yeah it's

07:42 - 07:48

decently visible so we have the to-dos

07:46 - 07:51

and once I have the to-dos what else do

07:48 - 07:52

you want to have in your application uh

07:51 - 07:55

maybe you want to have users as well so

07:52 - 07:59

let's go ahead and grab users this is my

07:55 - 08:01

users uh it will have a simple icon icon

07:59 - 08:04

that will be a

08:01 - 08:06

user this is my second entity that I'll

08:04 - 08:09

be working on and the third one is going

08:06 - 08:12

to be sub toos and sub toos will also

08:09 - 08:16

have an icon and let's call this one as

08:12 - 08:18

list again totally up to you so this is

08:16 - 08:20

my basic premises of these are the three

08:18 - 08:22

things which I am worried about now once

08:20 - 08:25

I'm done with this I want that the each

08:22 - 08:27

toos will have sub toos that's the

08:25 - 08:29

premises but let's first worry about

08:27 - 08:31

what each of these entity will consist

08:29 - 08:33

St and there's no such requirement that

08:31 - 08:35

you write it as ID you write it as

08:33 - 08:37

underscore ID there is no such thing

08:35 - 08:39

it's totally just a variable name you

08:37 - 08:40

want to go with that since we'll be

08:39 - 08:42

using mongodb it makes sense to call it

08:40 - 08:44

as ID if you're using relational

08:42 - 08:46

database feel free to call it as pkf for

08:44 - 08:49

primary key or whatever you like I'll

08:46 - 08:51

say this one is going to be a simple

08:49 - 08:54

string string my keyboard is a little

08:51 - 08:56

misplaced a string and we're going to

08:54 - 08:59

call this one as PK that's for primary

08:56 - 09:00

key to just give a reference to ourself

08:59 - 09:02

and what what else do you want to have

09:00 - 09:04

we'll be let's just say we'll be having

09:02 - 09:06

a Content onto this one that will be of

09:04 - 09:08

a type string that's personal reference

09:06 - 09:10

again and let's just say we'll be having

09:08 - 09:14

a complete uh variable there which will

09:10 - 09:16

be a further Boolean there we go looking

09:14 - 09:19

nice and easy uh then obviously we'll be

09:16 - 09:21

having a sub to-dos each to-dos will

09:19 - 09:24

have sub toos and that will be my object

09:21 - 09:26

ID this is how uh I'll be doing a

09:24 - 09:28

relationship between the to-dos and the

09:26 - 09:30

sub too so I'll be calling it as object

09:28 - 09:32

ID and there will be many of the sub

09:30 - 09:35

toos inside the to-dos so I'll refer

09:32 - 09:37

that as arrays just like this and I will

09:35 - 09:39

also refer that what kind of array will

09:37 - 09:42

be object ID means I'm referring to some

09:39 - 09:44

another entity in terms of mongodb so

09:42 - 09:47

I'll be saying that this is referencing

09:44 - 09:49

sub toos so notice here this is nice

09:47 - 09:51

diagram that is coming up this will be

09:49 - 09:54

object ID object ID is of what of these

09:51 - 09:56

sub toos so this is nice and easy now

09:54 - 09:58

each too will be mapped by users some

09:56 - 10:01

user might be creating that so I'll be

09:58 - 10:03

calling this as created by let's just go

10:01 - 10:06

ahead and call this one as created by

10:03 - 10:07

who will be creating it again some users

10:06 - 10:09

so I'll be calling it as object ID not

10:07 - 10:11

an array because not many users will be

10:09 - 10:14

creating one to-do but it's just an

10:11 - 10:16

object ID but whose relation you want to

10:14 - 10:18

mention here I'll be calling it as users

10:16 - 10:20

so this will be created by now again uh

10:18 - 10:23

two of the things that you'll be uh

10:20 - 10:26

commonly using is created at common

10:23 - 10:28

thing in the mongodb which is a date

10:26 - 10:29

field sometimes it's datetime field but

10:28 - 10:31

majority of the time it's just a date

10:29 - 10:33

field then we are going to go have

10:31 - 10:36

update at again if somebody is updating

10:33 - 10:37

I want to have a mention of this so now

10:36 - 10:39

my to-dos is looking pretty good these

10:37 - 10:42

are all information I want to collect

10:39 - 10:44

about my to-do now let's worry about

10:42 - 10:46

users how do you see your users what

10:44 - 10:48

information do you want to collect one

10:46 - 10:50

common information ID we want to refer

10:48 - 10:52

each user with the unique ID so I'll be

10:50 - 10:54

just going ahead and say hey this will

10:52 - 10:55

be a string and that string will be

10:54 - 10:58

primary key so that I can uniquely

10:55 - 11:00

identify then it's totally up to you how

10:58 - 11:03

you want to go further username will be

11:00 - 11:04

a string maybe I'll be collecting email

11:03 - 11:07

uh that will be a

11:04 - 11:09

string password of course that will be

11:07 - 11:10

encrypted but anyways that will be a

11:09 - 11:12

string as well if you have more

11:10 - 11:14

information you want to collect that's a

11:12 - 11:15

good exercise go ahead and see what data

11:14 - 11:17

more you want to collect with that

11:15 - 11:19

fixing up all these information right up

11:17 - 11:21

here is always a good idea instead of

11:19 - 11:23

just jumping into the code and figuring

11:21 - 11:25

it out on the goal I don't know what's

11:23 - 11:27

happening in my application it's always

11:25 - 11:29

a good idea let's finish this off by

11:27 - 11:33

handling the sub toos now how how do you

11:29 - 11:36

want we know that sub to-dos are a part

11:33 - 11:38

of uh to-dos so each major to-dos will

11:36 - 11:41

have subtask that we want to go but each

11:38 - 11:42

of that definitely will require uh

11:41 - 11:45

unique IDs so let's go ahead and call

11:42 - 11:47

this one as primary key this will also

11:45 - 11:49

have content which will be string uh

11:47 - 11:51

what else we have complete you need to

11:49 - 11:53

do uh complete the subtask as well that

11:51 - 11:54

will be a Boolean format so we'll be

11:53 - 11:58

going with the

11:54 - 12:00

Boolean uh what else created by created

11:58 - 12:03

by and obviously user will be creating

12:00 - 12:05

it so same stuff we'll be having object

12:03 - 12:08

ID uh but not many will be creating it

12:05 - 12:10

so we'll be calling it as user and then

12:08 - 12:13

simple created at which will be a date

12:10 - 12:15

field and uh modified at which will be

12:13 - 12:19

known as updated at and that will be

12:15 - 12:21

date so this is first fixing up that how

12:19 - 12:23

the data will look like right now we

12:21 - 12:25

haven't actually mapped any relationship

12:23 - 12:26

in that and that's okay sometimes even

12:25 - 12:29

this much gives you a lot of idea

12:26 - 12:31

because although we haven't mapped it in

12:29 - 12:33

the diagram which is important but this

12:31 - 12:35

alone tells us that how this mapping is

12:33 - 12:38

going on so this is pretty good all

12:35 - 12:40

right uh now let's go ahead and map that

12:38 - 12:42

how we want each relation to work with

12:40 - 12:44

so we'll be saying that I will be having

12:42 - 12:47

a to-dos and inside the to-dos we want

12:44 - 12:49

to have a sub to-dos that will happen so

12:47 - 12:52

that sub to-do will have uh so this is

12:49 - 12:54

Major to-do that's will have a one to

12:52 - 12:56

many relationship notice this is the one

12:54 - 12:59

the popup is coming up so one to many

12:56 - 13:01

relationship with whom with sub todos I

12:59 - 13:04

so there we go this actually draws a

13:01 - 13:07

line that What entity is related to

13:04 - 13:09

which entity and this gives us a simple

13:07 - 13:12

uh many to many or one to many

13:09 - 13:14

relationship this is one to many so

13:12 - 13:16

there can be so what we are saying

13:14 - 13:18

basically is there will be one to-do the

13:16 - 13:20

major to-do will be one and inside that

13:18 - 13:22

there could be many sub to-dos that's

13:20 - 13:24

that's the language that we are using so

13:22 - 13:26

one to many means I will be one but

13:24 - 13:29

inside me there could be many of the

13:26 - 13:31

subtask pretty simple now let's see what

13:29 - 13:34

else we can do uh todos who will be

13:31 - 13:36

creating them so created Created at not

13:34 - 13:39

created at created

13:36 - 13:41

by created by this will be a simple

13:39 - 13:43

onetoone relationship so we'll be going

13:41 - 13:45

ahead and say that hey we'll be mapping

13:43 - 13:47

it up User it's a good idea to map it

13:45 - 13:49

with the ID here we are simply saying

13:47 - 13:51

that the each to-do will be created by

13:49 - 13:52

only one user one user will be creating

13:51 - 13:55

one to-do so we'll be creating one

13:52 - 13:57

document for it pretty simple exercise

13:55 - 13:59

similarly the sub to-do also goes with

13:57 - 14:01

the same that it will also have the uh

13:59 - 14:04

created by who will be creating it

14:01 - 14:07

single user so we'll be having a simple

14:04 - 14:09

user dot

14:07 - 14:10

users Dot and we'll be going and linking

14:09 - 14:14


14:10 - 14:17

up and created by why are you giving me

14:14 - 14:19

error because I have to do this okay so

14:17 - 14:22

now you can see that we have drawn a

14:19 - 14:24

simple diagram I can zoom this out yep a

14:22 - 14:26

little now we can see we have a

14:24 - 14:27

beautiful diagram which helps us to

14:26 - 14:30

understand that how each of these

14:27 - 14:32

entities each of these diagrams are

14:30 - 14:34

working with how they are Rel related to

14:32 - 14:36

with each other and this is exercise

14:34 - 14:38

that you should do quite often quite

14:36 - 14:41

often uh it's really a nice thing to

14:38 - 14:43

work around with and this will help you

14:41 - 14:45

to solidify each of the things that

14:43 - 14:47

you're going through all right so this

14:45 - 14:49

is the first exercise that we have now

14:47 - 14:52

let's go ahead and have another exercise

14:49 - 14:54

for e-commerce I told you this video and

14:52 - 14:55

these videos obviously from now onwards

14:54 - 14:58

are going to be a little bit longer but

14:55 - 15:01

they will they will give you enough of

14:58 - 15:02

the material to consume and enjoy this

15:01 - 15:04

all right so I'll just keep this one

15:02 - 15:06

here uh for you to enjoy I'll give you

15:04 - 15:08

the even the link of this uh let's go

15:06 - 15:11

ahead and create another one have fun

15:08 - 15:13

with this one and again ER diagrams they

15:11 - 15:15

look like this so they they always look

15:13 - 15:17

like this you have to double click on

15:15 - 15:19

this to get the code part up here by the

15:17 - 15:21

way this is how it looks you can have

15:19 - 15:23

multiple of them in the same canvas I'll

15:21 - 15:25

just have it up here looks good all

15:23 - 15:28

right so the step one let's remove

15:25 - 15:30

everything and this is how it works now

15:28 - 15:32

let's just say we we are designing this

15:30 - 15:34

entity diagram for an e-commerce store

15:32 - 15:39

let's Zoom this a little bit I think

15:34 - 15:41

this is good enough yeah all right so

15:39 - 15:42

what are all the things you are worried

15:41 - 15:44

about when you're designing an

15:42 - 15:47

e-commerce store the first thing I'm

15:44 - 15:49

always worried about are users I'm very

15:47 - 15:52

worried about users so I'll be saying

15:49 - 15:53

that icon and user this icon is just

15:52 - 15:55

nothing it's just a fancy way of

15:53 - 15:57

denoting that it looks good in the

15:55 - 16:00

visual all right so we have user what

15:57 - 16:02

else is bothering you maybe

16:00 - 16:04

products you will have many of them so

16:02 - 16:07

I'll just go ahead and say icon and that

16:04 - 16:08

icon will be there are so many of them

16:07 - 16:10

you can choose a lot of them some of

16:08 - 16:13

them I remember uh but again nothing to

16:10 - 16:15

worry so we have users uh we have

16:13 - 16:17

products what else are you worried about

16:15 - 16:21

in an e-commerce maybe categories so

16:17 - 16:23

let's go ahead and say Cate Gories

16:21 - 16:27

category categories however you want to

16:23 - 16:30

go with that icon and we'll be

16:27 - 16:31

having package pack I think we have a

16:30 - 16:37


16:31 - 16:39

icon U do we have oops not icons icon

16:37 - 16:41

yeah we have a package icon looks nice

16:39 - 16:44

all right what else are you worried

16:41 - 16:46

about we have users we have uh products

16:44 - 16:48

we have categories we have order items

16:46 - 16:50

as well whenever somebody is making an

16:48 - 16:53

order we will be having order as well as

16:50 - 16:55

order items inside that each order will

16:53 - 16:59

consist of multiple of these items so uh

16:55 - 17:01

let's first worry about order items and

16:59 - 17:03

that will also have an icon and what

17:01 - 17:05

icon list is good enough I don't

17:03 - 17:08

remember much of them so that's why

17:05 - 17:13

you'll be finding me reusing them all

17:08 - 17:17

right so order items icon is list my bad

17:13 - 17:17

wrong choice of parenthesis should be

17:17 - 17:22

brackets all right looking good and of

17:20 - 17:24

course since we have this much now we

17:22 - 17:27

will be having order

17:24 - 17:30

orders and we'll be having an icon that

17:27 - 17:33

icon will be list again and do we have

17:30 - 17:36

others as well like something related to

17:33 - 17:39

order nope

17:36 - 17:40

post we have postmen but we don't have

17:39 - 17:43

I'll go with the list

17:40 - 17:46

again yeah I don't remember much anyways

17:43 - 17:48

you got the idea having fun between uh

17:46 - 17:50

doing all of this is equally important

17:48 - 17:52

that how we go with that okay uh I guess

17:50 - 17:55

these are enough uh if you find anything

17:52 - 17:57

more just go ahead add it more have your

17:55 - 17:59

own fun with this that how you want to

17:57 - 18:02

go first thing is always worry about for

17:59 - 18:04

the each individual entity that how you

18:02 - 18:05

want to deal with that again I don't

18:04 - 18:07

have much I'll just go ahead and call

18:05 - 18:12

this one we'll have an ID which will be

18:07 - 18:14

a string primary key PK not like that PK

18:12 - 18:17

so this will be having a primary key

18:14 - 18:19

will have a username for this one again

18:17 - 18:21


18:19 - 18:23

email uh

18:21 - 18:26


18:23 - 18:28

password string maybe you want to have

18:26 - 18:30

PIN code and whatnot just feel free to

18:28 - 18:32

add this is your exercise this is your

18:30 - 18:35

way of doing the fun so once you have

18:32 - 18:39

this uh products products are usually uh

18:35 - 18:41

little bit like more complex compared to

18:39 - 18:43

the users uh so let's go ahead and try

18:41 - 18:45

to make it a little bit more complex

18:43 - 18:47

again it's not complex it just have it

18:45 - 18:49

is having many fields as compared to

18:47 - 18:51

others so we'll be having each product

18:49 - 18:53

needs to have a unique ID so that we can

18:51 - 18:55

identify that uniquely in the database

18:53 - 18:57

name will be probably have a description

18:55 - 19:00

good idea to provide description to the

18:57 - 19:03

user uh product image yes image uh

19:00 - 19:05

product image uh this will be a string

19:03 - 19:07

because the usual way of storing the

19:05 - 19:11

image is hand it over to third party

19:07 - 19:13

like AWS or Cloud Nary any other

19:11 - 19:16

Solutions uh we'll be just storing the

19:13 - 19:19

URL of it so that is why this is image

19:16 - 19:22

uh price very important uh this will be

19:19 - 19:24

a number uh what else a stock do we have

19:22 - 19:27

this item in the stock so we'll be

19:24 - 19:29

having a number about that uh category

19:27 - 19:31

category Cate

19:29 - 19:33

gory this field will be mapped to

19:31 - 19:35

another field so we'll be referring that

19:33 - 19:37

as an object ID but whose object ID to

19:35 - 19:40

the categories so this mentioned that

19:37 - 19:42

hey this is an object ID map to another

19:40 - 19:44

one uh pretty nice uh somebody will be

19:42 - 19:47

creating that so owner of this product

19:44 - 19:50

so we'll be going with object ID who

19:47 - 19:52

will be owner users at least somebody

19:50 - 19:55

from the users will be owner of this one

19:52 - 19:57

and what else uh created at updated at

19:55 - 20:00

we can add those fields into users as

19:57 - 20:02

well that's is why I'm saying having

20:00 - 20:04

discussion here at this point is always

20:02 - 20:06

a good idea instead of writing the code

20:04 - 20:09

updated at which will be a date field

20:06 - 20:10

all right so product looks pretty pretty

20:09 - 20:13

complex but it's good it's good

20:10 - 20:15

discussion categories categories are

20:13 - 20:17

usually simple there is nothing much but

20:15 - 20:20

it's up to you how complex you want to

20:17 - 20:25

add this or not so I'll be having a

20:20 - 20:28

ID uh that will be string primary key of

20:25 - 20:30

course so there we go what else you want

20:28 - 20:32

I just want usually just the name in

20:30 - 20:35

this that's usually my choice but again

20:32 - 20:37

it's up to you created at and we'll be

20:35 - 20:39

having updated at both of these fields

20:37 - 20:41

uh simple date field and simple date

20:39 - 20:44

field there we go our category is all

20:41 - 20:47

done ready no problem there uh order

20:44 - 20:50

items yeah this is important because

20:47 - 20:53

whenever you're placing an order uh each

20:50 - 20:56

order has number of order items so first

20:53 - 20:57

of all order item let's say we can have

20:56 - 20:59

everything has a unique ID whether

20:57 - 21:01

that's underscore ID you U ID primary

20:59 - 21:04

key num strings whatever you want but

21:01 - 21:06

should have a unique ID so we're going

21:04 - 21:08

to say that each one of them will have

21:06 - 21:12

multiple products so we'll be calling

21:08 - 21:15

this one as products or product ID let's

21:12 - 21:18

store product ID and in that we'll be

21:15 - 21:22

having an object ID and that will be

21:18 - 21:24

coming up from products now it's up to

21:22 - 21:26

you that you want to call this as each

21:24 - 21:28

order item will have one product or you

21:26 - 21:31

want to call them as Ord will be

21:28 - 21:32

collection of multiple order item how

21:31 - 21:35

you want to arrange your data totally up

21:32 - 21:36

to you leaving that as an open-ended

21:35 - 21:39

discussion that how you want to go I

21:36 - 21:41

want to call each order item as just one

21:39 - 21:43

product so storing the ID of that

21:41 - 21:46

product only but I'll store the quantity

21:43 - 21:49

of that as well quantity which will be a

21:46 - 21:53

number so that I know that each order

21:49 - 21:55

item orders order item will have one

21:53 - 21:57

product and how many quantities to ship

21:55 - 21:59

for it that's a good design uh nothing

21:57 - 22:01

to argue on that

21:59 - 22:04

and let's see orders this is important

22:01 - 22:06

because we have orders so again first

22:04 - 22:08

thing without even thinking about it I

22:06 - 22:10

always go like this string primary key

22:08 - 22:12

oops what did I

22:10 - 22:15

did what did I

22:12 - 22:17

did oops uh let's double click on that

22:15 - 22:19

accidentally pressed wrong Keys thank

22:17 - 22:21

goodness there is a command Z otherwise

22:19 - 22:22

we would have to re-record the video uh

22:21 - 22:25


22:22 - 22:28

yeah okay so primary key there we go now

22:25 - 22:29

orders orders that's we were talking

22:28 - 22:30


22:29 - 22:32

so first of all each order will be

22:30 - 22:35

linked to a

22:32 - 22:37

customer let's call this as customer uh

22:35 - 22:39

user whatever you want to call this one

22:37 - 22:41

will be object ID and will be linked to

22:39 - 22:44

your user all right good or users yeah

22:41 - 22:46

we called it as users all right that's

22:44 - 22:48

the first part we'll have order items

22:46 - 22:51

multiple order items so we'll be having

22:48 - 22:53

order items this will be of course

22:51 - 22:55

object ID but an array of object ID

22:53 - 22:57

because multiple things will be there

22:55 - 22:59

and this will be coming up from order

22:57 - 23:01

items there we go nice structure will

22:59 - 23:03

also link that when you are placing the

23:01 - 23:05

order we'll be having an address at that

23:03 - 23:07

time we need to take address you can

23:05 - 23:09

take address from the users account as

23:07 - 23:10

well uh then we can design the

23:09 - 23:13

functionality that before placing the

23:10 - 23:15

order uh Mark that where you want to or

23:13 - 23:17

select multiple of these address depends

23:15 - 23:19

how you want to architecture your

23:17 - 23:22

application we'll be having another one

23:19 - 23:25

which will be a string uh what else

23:22 - 23:26

status yeah that's important status uh

23:25 - 23:29

each order will have a status and that's

23:26 - 23:31

a different thing uh enum which is

23:29 - 23:33

multiple states that you can select from

23:31 - 23:37

so for example we'll be having a pending

23:33 - 23:40

State and then we can have

23:37 - 23:42

uh canell

23:40 - 23:46

State and we'll be having

23:42 - 23:48

a delivered state so multiple enams

23:46 - 23:51

means there are multiple options only

23:48 - 23:53

select from these options only and if

23:51 - 23:56

you want to store maybe payment ID out

23:53 - 23:59

of it that while each order will should

23:56 - 24:02

have a uh payment ID from wherever you

23:59 - 24:06

have taken the payment maybe uh stripe

24:02 - 24:08

PayPal razor pay PTM whatever is popular

24:06 - 24:10

in your country so we'll be having a

24:08 - 24:12

created at which will be a date field

24:10 - 24:14

and usually there is no modified but

24:12 - 24:16

still good idea to keep

24:14 - 24:18

updated all right so this is what we

24:16 - 24:20

have designed so far again this is

24:18 - 24:23

looking much beautiful and much more

24:20 - 24:24

codable now that we have practiced it

24:23 - 24:26

but one thing is still missing that how

24:24 - 24:28

we are going to relation provide a

24:26 - 24:29

relation between each one of them

24:28 - 24:31

because they do need to have some

24:29 - 24:33

relation with each other we have

24:31 - 24:34

mentioned the relation already so first

24:33 - 24:36

of all let's go with the product

24:34 - 24:39

categories that's a very simple straight

24:36 - 24:42

forward so products uh will have a

24:39 - 24:44

category and they will have a onetoone

24:42 - 24:46

relationship with the categories so

24:44 - 24:49

we'll be having categories. ID so they

24:46 - 24:52

have a simple relationship uh a product

24:49 - 24:54

can only belong to one category and uh

24:52 - 24:57

that's it that's the relationship is

24:54 - 24:59

saying product category belongs to one

24:57 - 25:01

product Belongs to Only One category

24:59 - 25:04

product owner there could only be one so

25:01 - 25:08

simple products do owner that will have

25:04 - 25:10

a simple relationship uh as users. ID

25:08 - 25:13

very simple relationship each product

25:10 - 25:14

can be created by one uh order items

25:13 - 25:18

should also have S similar things so

25:14 - 25:19

order items and we'll have a product ID

25:18 - 25:21

this will have a simple one toone

25:19 - 25:24

relationship with the product

25:21 - 25:26

straightforward and product ID so we can

25:24 - 25:28

see pretty simple pretty straightforward

25:26 - 25:31

that whenever you are making

25:28 - 25:33

uh an order item the product ID that we

25:31 - 25:34

discussed will be linked to one product

25:33 - 25:37


25:34 - 25:40

simple all right then uh there's one

25:37 - 25:44

more interesting one uh

25:40 - 25:48

orders uh do customer we also want to

25:44 - 25:50

have this one so orders do

25:48 - 25:53

customer uh they will be having a one

25:50 - 25:57

Rel on toone relationship with the user

25:53 - 25:59

each order will be placed by a user only

25:57 - 26:01

and notice how nicely they actually

25:59 - 26:04

rearrange the architecture and structure

26:01 - 26:07

pretty nice all right uh one more what

26:04 - 26:10

is remaining order items yeah so order

26:07 - 26:12

items each order can have multiple of

26:10 - 26:15

the order items so depends on how you

26:12 - 26:21

want to write it so we'll be having

26:15 - 26:25

orders orders do order items we can have

26:21 - 26:29

many of them so we'll be having order

26:25 - 26:33

items dot ID so what we are basically

26:29 - 26:36

saying that uh order items can be

26:33 - 26:38

multiple in an order so if there is

26:36 - 26:40

order and this is what we have said so

26:38 - 26:42

notice here in the orders we said that

26:40 - 26:44

there are order items so notice we

26:42 - 26:47

mentioned this as object ID and array of

26:44 - 26:49

it that means each order can have a

26:47 - 26:50

multiple of order items and that's

26:49 - 26:52

exactly what we are saying here uh there

26:50 - 26:54

could be multiple languages of saying

26:52 - 26:56

which way to point the arrow depends on

26:54 - 26:58

how you want to go the whole idea is you

26:56 - 27:00

understand this relationship and

26:58 - 27:03

again we cannot actually download the

27:00 - 27:05

script into the SQL or no SQL database

27:03 - 27:07

here but in the moon modeler and the

27:05 - 27:09

professional tool that you use in your

27:07 - 27:10

corporate and Company uh this is done

27:09 - 27:12


27:10 - 27:14

often and this is where a lot of

27:12 - 27:18

brainstorming is done not in the code

27:14 - 27:20

part code part is relatively simple uh

27:18 - 27:21

but this is where the majority of how

27:20 - 27:22

you want what data you want to collect

27:21 - 27:25

in your application that's why the

27:22 - 27:26

applications are being designed I know

27:25 - 27:28

this is a good practice you want to do a

27:26 - 27:30

little bit more and I'll give you some

27:28 - 27:33

of the practice exercise as well so now

27:30 - 27:35

I'll give let's design one more it's not

27:33 - 27:37

going to be that complex but since I've

27:35 - 27:39

discussed that in my other channel as

27:37 - 27:42

well I'll discuss that let's create one

27:39 - 27:44

more uh ER diagram uh just go like that

27:42 - 27:46

and again go select all of this and

27:44 - 27:49

clear all this uh this time we are

27:46 - 27:51

designing a hospital management system

27:49 - 27:53

yeah uh again not very complex but a

27:51 - 27:56

basic Hospital you are just starting it

27:53 - 27:58

out how you want to uh nail it down so

27:56 - 28:00

first of all uh the hospital system and

27:58 - 28:02

Hospital management system you need to

28:00 - 28:04

understand that patient goes to multiple

28:02 - 28:07

hospital at least in India and uh

28:04 - 28:08

doctors also visit multiple hospitals as

28:07 - 28:10

well so we are designing this for

28:08 - 28:12

Hospital there could be patients and

28:10 - 28:15

patients do have records and there are

28:12 - 28:16

doctors who keep on visiting multiple

28:15 - 28:18

hospitals as well but they are

28:16 - 28:21

Standalone entity as well so uh of

28:18 - 28:23

course hospital is a standalone entity

28:21 - 28:25

doctors are a standalone entity the

28:23 - 28:27

patients are Standalone entity and the

28:25 - 28:29

patients record is also a standalone

28:27 - 28:32

entity there could be multiple factors

28:29 - 28:33

about reports and labs and whatnot but

28:32 - 28:35

let's start we need to start somewhere

28:33 - 28:37

so that we can iterate over it so first

28:35 - 28:40

of all what we're going to do is we have

28:37 - 28:42

hospitals all right we'll definitely

28:40 - 28:44

have some icons and one icon that I

28:42 - 28:46

specifically remember for this one is

28:44 - 28:48

building yes I remember this one all

28:46 - 28:50

right so we have this one Hospital

28:48 - 28:52

should I zoom it yep we need zooming we

28:50 - 28:56

need zooming who hates

28:52 - 29:00

Zoom so Hospital okay uh

28:56 - 29:03

patient p patient patient patience yeah

29:00 - 29:06

good good enough we will be having icon

29:03 - 29:09

and let's call this one as user short

29:06 - 29:11

but handy okay uh we have hospital we

29:09 - 29:12

have patient we will have definitely

29:11 - 29:14


29:12 - 29:16


29:14 - 29:19

doctors do we have icon for a doctor

29:16 - 29:21

tell me please we have icon for Doctor

29:19 - 29:23

we have a Docker but not the doctor

29:21 - 29:25

Docker can I use a Docker n doesn't look

29:23 - 29:29

good doesn't look

29:25 - 29:32

good we have oh we have stethoscope icon

29:29 - 29:34

did I say it correct or not all right

29:32 - 29:36

that's nice okay uh what else we want to

29:34 - 29:39

have we want to have medical records as

29:36 - 29:40

well to have this one so let's have this

29:39 - 29:44

one as

29:40 - 29:47

well we will have medical records each

29:44 - 29:49

record will be tied only and only to one

29:47 - 29:53

user or one patient itself so we'll keep

29:49 - 29:55

that in mind so icon will be off I know

29:53 - 29:58

this there is icon of clipboard that

29:55 - 30:01

looks like a record and there we go

29:58 - 30:02

all right so currently we are just uh

30:01 - 30:04

handling this much let's see these four

30:02 - 30:07

entities how we can collect the data

30:04 - 30:09

about them uh have a small discussion

30:07 - 30:11

and fun discussion with them so what

30:09 - 30:13

we're going to do is let's just say

30:11 - 30:15

we'll have underscore ID obviously

30:13 - 30:18

always goes like that this will be our

30:15 - 30:20

primary key all right what else each

30:18 - 30:23

Hospital have a name so obviously let's

30:20 - 30:23

store that uh

30:23 - 30:28

address address and sometimes you go

30:27 - 30:32

with like this address line one which

30:28 - 30:34

will be a string and maybe address line

30:32 - 30:36

two which will be a string depends on

30:34 - 30:39

you how you want to craft your

30:36 - 30:43

application City will also be a

30:39 - 30:44

string and what else pin code it's

30:43 - 30:46

always a good idea to take PIN code and

30:44 - 30:49

string because some in some countries

30:46 - 30:51

the PIN code is not comprised of just

30:49 - 30:53

numbers they are comprised of some

30:51 - 30:55

alphabets as well it's a good idea to

30:53 - 30:58

take that

30:55 - 30:59

and specialization of course every

30:58 - 31:01

hospital has some or the other

30:59 - 31:03

specialization or maybe many so let's

31:01 - 31:07

take it as string but an array of string

31:03 - 31:11

good idea and then our classic created

31:07 - 31:13

at which will be a date and updated at

31:11 - 31:15

which will be a date again there we go

31:13 - 31:17

nice and easy so we have built the

31:15 - 31:19

entire building of the hospital now how

31:17 - 31:22

we want to go with the patients so let's

31:19 - 31:25

go up here uh again always starts with a

31:22 - 31:27

unique ID so that you can identify each

31:25 - 31:29

record with that so we'll be going with

31:27 - 31:32

the string primary key of course so

31:29 - 31:34

there we go okay patient patient has a

31:32 - 31:36

name so let's go ahead and work with

31:34 - 31:41


31:36 - 31:44

and diagnosed with uh this probably will

31:41 - 31:46

be a consulted with diagnosed with I

31:44 - 31:49

don't know if it is a good name or not

31:46 - 31:52

uh but here my intention is to store uh

31:49 - 31:55

whose doctor he has recommended with uh

31:52 - 31:57

I'm not storing what the problem the

31:55 - 31:58

patient is facing what sickness he's

31:57 - 32:00

facing in here I'll store that in the

31:58 - 32:03

medical record that's always a good idea

32:00 - 32:06

so I'm just saying that diagnosed with

32:03 - 32:08

or consulted with again totally just and

32:06 - 32:11

again it's a good idea to store the

32:08 - 32:12

address of the user you want to go with

32:11 - 32:15

address line one line two that's totally

32:12 - 32:20

up to you and I missed a

32:15 - 32:23

d address all right uh what else age

32:20 - 32:26

definitely we should store that

32:23 - 32:28

number uh gender good idea to store that

32:26 - 32:30

it's a good one to have an for this one

32:28 - 32:34

so we'll go with the

32:30 - 32:36

m and we'll go with the F just like this

32:34 - 32:39

and we'll mention o just like that if

32:36 - 32:41

you have more it's your choice uh what

32:39 - 32:45

else we want to go uh blood group so

32:41 - 32:47

we'll have blood group uh blood group it

32:45 - 32:51

should also be enum but since I'm not a

32:47 - 32:53

doctor I have no knowledge of giving

32:51 - 32:54

them the option of selecting with them

32:53 - 32:55

so in this case I'll just go with the

32:54 - 32:57

string this is where you should consult

32:55 - 32:59

some doctor that hey I want a list of

32:57 - 33:04

blood grou or something like that uh

32:59 - 33:08

patient also might be admitted so

33:04 - 33:11

admitted in and that will be an object

33:08 - 33:13

ID uh so that we can have a refer that

33:11 - 33:16

in which hospital he was admitted all

33:13 - 33:20

right and then regular stuff created at

33:16 - 33:22

updated at created at date and we'll be

33:20 - 33:25

having updated at date so there we go

33:22 - 33:26

again you could have added up more

33:25 - 33:29

Fields then obviously more controllers

33:26 - 33:33

more logic that be written okay uh next

33:29 - 33:35

up is doctors all right what information

33:33 - 33:39

you want to store about the doctors okay

33:35 - 33:40

let's do this ID uh underscore ID my bad

33:39 - 33:41

and again it's not compulsory you have

33:40 - 33:43

to write underscore ID I'm just

33:41 - 33:45

referencing for

33:43 - 33:49


33:45 - 33:52

string primary key and what else each

33:49 - 33:54

doctor have a name that's obvious and

33:52 - 33:56

salary hospital do pay salary pretty

33:54 - 34:00

good one to the doctors and they should

33:56 - 34:03

be and and

34:00 - 34:05

qualification qualification each doctor

34:03 - 34:09

have different qualifications multiple

34:05 - 34:11

qualifications in fact and

34:09 - 34:15

experience in years maybe you want to

34:11 - 34:16

store that display that as your hospital

34:15 - 34:19


34:16 - 34:20

uh doctors can work into multiple

34:19 - 34:22

hospitals as well so where this doctor

34:20 - 34:28

is available maybe want to store that as

34:22 - 34:32

well uh Works in hos hospit

34:28 - 34:33

STS that will be obviously an object ID

34:32 - 34:35

but an array of object ID because

34:33 - 34:37

multiple will be stored and this will be

34:35 - 34:40

coming up from

34:37 - 34:42

hospitals all right what else do you

34:40 - 34:45

want to store for doctor no idea I'll

34:42 - 34:49

just end it up by created at date and

34:45 - 34:51

updated at and date I I'll just leave it

34:49 - 34:53

up here then comes up is the medical

34:51 - 34:55

record yeah this is where things can be

34:53 - 34:57

very interesting you can store a lot of

34:55 - 34:59

information but I'll keep it basic

34:57 - 35:00

because I don't have much experience of

34:59 - 35:02

working in hospitals or I have never

35:00 - 35:05

worked in a big scale Hospital

35:02 - 35:08

application as well uh patient ID

35:05 - 35:11

patient ID and that patient ID will come

35:08 - 35:16

up from object ID of

35:11 - 35:18

patient patients yeah patience and uh

35:16 - 35:22


35:18 - 35:24

at examined at and that will be date or

35:22 - 35:28

rather datetime field that when he was

35:24 - 35:29

examined and the problem uh I don't know

35:28 - 35:31

what's the better word for that so

35:29 - 35:35

please excuse me that I'll just call it

35:31 - 35:37

as problem I can say description or

35:35 - 35:40

problem issue whatever you want to call

35:37 - 35:44

uh this one will be string and create a

35:40 - 35:46

at which will be a date and update at

35:44 - 35:47

which will also be a so there we go we

35:46 - 35:50

have designed a basic Hospital

35:47 - 35:52

management system now it's time that we

35:50 - 35:55

Define all the relationships between

35:52 - 35:56

them again relationship most of them we

35:55 - 35:58

have already defined while working with

35:56 - 36:01

them but let's go with there so first of

35:58 - 36:03

all is uh patient is going to be

36:01 - 36:06

admitted in hospital so that's the easy

36:03 - 36:09

relationship to work on with so patients

36:06 - 36:11

has this admitted in field which will be

36:09 - 36:12

a onetoone relationship because at a

36:11 - 36:16

time you can be admitted only in one

36:12 - 36:18

hospital so will be hospitals ID so

36:16 - 36:20

that's the first relationship we have uh

36:18 - 36:24

doctor Works in multiple hospitals so

36:20 - 36:26

we'll be saying doctors and works in

36:24 - 36:28

Works in hospitals so they he can work

36:26 - 36:31

in many hospitals

36:28 - 36:36

so one doctor many hospitals so one to

36:31 - 36:39

many relationship hospitals do ID is

36:36 - 36:42

fine I guess so doctor Works in multiple

36:39 - 36:44

hospital one to many and there could

36:42 - 36:46

there could only be one medical record

36:44 - 36:51

for each of the patients so let's also

36:46 - 36:54

fix that so medical record and uh has a

36:51 - 36:57

patient ID which is an object ID has one

36:54 - 36:59

toone relationship with the patients uh

36:57 - 37:01

primary key is fine enough so we can see

36:59 - 37:04

we have designed this nice relationship

37:01 - 37:06

entity diagram and when when we are

37:04 - 37:08

coding actually this it is much much

37:06 - 37:10

easier to keep it separate on a paper or

37:08 - 37:12

a screen and just keep on writing the

37:10 - 37:13

code that hey this is what we are going

37:12 - 37:15

through this is what we are working

37:13 - 37:17

through so I hope this gives you enough

37:15 - 37:19

of idea that how applications are

37:17 - 37:21

designed in production and we have

37:19 - 37:23

multiple of them so we have designed

37:21 - 37:25

three of them again you go ahead and

37:23 - 37:27

design your own uh I have used this nice

37:25 - 37:28

handy tool eraser but it's not the only

37:27 - 37:30

one one there are many others I find

37:28 - 37:32

this one handy uh pretty nice and

37:30 - 37:34

beautiful tool so that's why we use this

37:32 - 37:36

all right so I hope this gives you

37:34 - 37:37

enough of idea of how these applications

37:36 - 37:39

are designed and how they are being

37:37 - 37:42

worked through now it's time for your

37:39 - 37:44

assignment and your task uh go ahead and

37:42 - 37:46

design a simple Library management

37:44 - 37:48

system and try to design a Content

37:46 - 37:51

management system somewhat like Netflix

37:48 - 37:53

or uh Amazon Prime or something uh think

37:51 - 37:56

how you can design that the categories

37:53 - 37:58

the movies the seasons and the users of

37:56 - 38:00

course who is watching it so try to

37:58 - 38:02

design a diagram around that also try to

38:00 - 38:05

design something uh related to library

38:02 - 38:07

management system uh libraries is pretty

38:05 - 38:09

straightforward we have categories we

38:07 - 38:11

have books and who is the user who is

38:09 - 38:13

borrowing the books so dates time and

38:11 - 38:14

try to design these application the more

38:13 - 38:17

you'll be designing the better you'll

38:14 - 38:19

become uh there's no shortcut for is uh

38:17 - 38:20

it goes like this only in the next video

38:19 - 38:22

I'll walk you through that what we have

38:20 - 38:24

designed for this entire long short

38:22 - 38:26

application and I'll give you the link

38:24 - 38:27

of that as well you can access that from

38:26 - 38:29

the description in the next video and

38:27 - 38:31

we'll discuss that how we have designed

38:29 - 38:32

this taking YouTube in the mind in the

38:31 - 38:34

broader picture we are mixing up YouTube

38:32 - 38:36

with the Twitter as well uh so we'll

38:34 - 38:38

walk you through with that that how the

38:36 - 38:40

complex architecture that we have

38:38 - 38:42

designed so that we can write a really

38:40 - 38:44

really complex back end not the toy one

38:42 - 38:46

the real production grade one all right

38:44 - 38:48

so quite a lot of stuff uh that's it for

38:46 - 38:50

this video uh let's go ahead and catch

38:48 - 38:53

up in the next video to understand more

38:50 - 38:57

about these entity relationship diagrams

38:53 - 38:57

catch you up in the next one

Building Backend: Database Design for Applications

In this article, we delve into the crucial aspect of database design as an essential part of building back-end systems for various applications. We explore the process of structuring data effectively to lay a strong foundation for creating robust and efficient applications.

Exploring Database Design for Production-Oriented Apps

As we venture into the realm of backend development, understanding the significance of structuring data for efficient storage and retrieval is paramount. The key ingredient for building successful applications lies in how we architect the data, ensuring seamless functionality and scalability.

Structuring Data for Applications

The initial phase involves deciphering the problem statement to determine the type of data that needs to be stored in the database. Whether it's building an e-commerce platform or a hospital management system, identifying and structuring the relevant information is fundamental.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams: A Key Tool in Database Design

To visualize and plan the database schema effectively, Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs) come into play. ERDs help us map out the relationships between different entities, such as users, products, categories, orders, and more, providing a comprehensive view of the data architecture.

Designing Entity Relationships

By establishing clear relationships between entities, such as defining one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships, we ensure data integrity and coherence within the database structure. This step is critical in optimizing query performances and maintaining data consistency.

Practice Makes Perfect: Designing Database Schemas

Through hands-on exercises, such as designing a to-do application, an e-commerce platform, or a hospital management system, we gain practical insights into structuring data entities, attributes, and relationships. These exercises enhance our understanding of database design principles and best practices.

Assignment: Enhancing Database Design Skills

To reinforce learning, engaging in assignments like designing a Library Management System or a Content Management System offers a platform to apply database design concepts in real-world scenarios. These tasks sharpen our skills in structuring data for diverse applications.


Mastering the art of database design is a foundational pillar in backend development, enabling us to build robust, scalable, and efficient applications. By crafting well-organized database schemas, we pave the way for creating sophisticated backend systems that power diverse use cases effectively.

In the journey of backend development, each step of database design contributes to the seamless functioning of applications, ensuring optimal data handling and management. Dive deep into crafting well-structured databases to unleash the full potential of your backend development skills.

Let's continue this journey of database design excellence, shaping the future of back-end systems with precision and ingenuity. Stay tuned for more insights and practical tips in our upcoming videos.

Remember, the key to mastering database design lies in practice, exploration, and continuous learning. Embrace the challenge, and let your creativity and expertise shine through in building exceptional backend systems. Happy coding!