00:00 - 00:06
have Source this week Matthew Booth
00:03 - 00:07
please give us your 30 second strike
00:06 - 00:09
yeah I think rero has definitely
00:07 - 00:11
encouraged his players to um hit from
00:09 - 00:14
outside the box and this man and B does
00:11 - 00:16
it superbly well um I want to see more
00:14 - 00:18
more more PSL teams replicate this sort
00:16 - 00:21
of um attempt and confidence T gets the
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ball in the Midfield you know benu the
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number eight gets sucked in and he
00:22 - 00:26
doesn't really squeeze him or attempt to
00:24 - 00:30
squeeze him you know and to to beat
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zba at his near post he's got to get
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that sweetly he's got to hit it into the
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roof of the net and wow this is an
00:34 - 00:41
absolute cracker from B absolute cracker
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wonderful goal give more adjective I'm
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time he's right out of time for the
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adjectives but I'm sure you can give him
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so this is what I want you guys to do at
00:53 - 00:57
home hashtag SS disi you know Matthew
00:56 - 00:58
described the goal he said it's a
00:57 - 01:02
wonderful goal but if you've got more
00:58 - 01:05
adjectives more SC missile
01:02 - 01:05
unbelievable that he
01:07 - 01:11
can can you say
01:15 - 01:20
last welcome back to the new video today
01:18 - 01:22
is PSL extra time make sure you
01:20 - 01:26
subscribe like and share and share your
01:22 - 01:30
thoughts in the comment section so the p
01:26 - 01:32
is here our analyst mat Boo and
01:30 - 01:35
Thomas Mambo
01:32 - 01:38
and and pumo they going to analyze them
01:35 - 01:41
game for us all the AC that happen in
01:38 - 01:42
the mid week and end of the week they're
01:42 - 01:49
to make split up for us to in order to
01:46 - 01:52
understand the decision of the referees
01:49 - 01:55
wrong decision correct decision all
01:52 - 01:58
those things after that you you are
01:55 - 01:59
going to comment your thoughts in the
01:58 - 02:01
comment section straight into the action
01:59 - 02:03
and we're going to shift our Focus back
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to what happened as far as the midweek
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is concerned the betway Premiership is
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where we're going to be focusing our eye
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and we look at kaisa Chiefs and how
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things went in the midweek because they
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had a week of up and down guys it
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started well down I guess for this man
02:17 - 02:24
because when you look at Bradley cross
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starts the game doesn't last 30 minutes
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substitute it out early in the game look
02:26 - 02:29
at this he misses this opportunity I
02:28 - 02:31
think he hits a nail on the head with up
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and down that's been their season so far
02:31 - 02:34
you know it's been a roller coaster for
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them cross does very well to get in the
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underlap here and get into that position
02:36 - 02:43
so what do you think about cross missing
02:40 - 02:46
this big chance ker Chiefs fans because
02:43 - 02:48
he costed ker Chiefs he missed the
02:46 - 02:52
chance and after that he made a mistake
02:48 - 02:56
at the back and nasin Na and his
02:52 - 02:59
assistant coaches they decided to sa him
02:56 - 03:02
off because he was making a mistake and
02:59 - 03:04
missing the big chances that can help K
03:02 - 03:06
Chiefs Bradley cross is involved in how
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it is that Ste take the lead and it
03:06 - 03:10
looked like it's going to be a very very
03:08 - 03:13
long day for him it didn't turn out to
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be a long day for him because his coach
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and Coach Nai felt
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that he had got it wrong in terms of how
03:20 - 03:23
they were set up at the back and he made
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a change instantly here we go cross gets
03:23 - 03:28
the ball I don't I really I really don't
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think it's about this moment Thomas it's
03:28 - 03:33
about um the iCal switch that they had
03:30 - 03:36
to make for me he loses the ball twice
03:33 - 03:39
in this moment but now
03:36 - 03:41
dley youf M they let the ball go and and
03:39 - 03:42
in that instance they play tights
03:41 - 03:45
through on the far post there's no
03:42 - 03:48
tracking coming from Miguel in the
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central area of of the part and gets his
03:48 - 03:52
first goal for foris they call him Kaka
03:50 - 03:55
in in Limpopo but a good setup coming
03:52 - 03:57
from from Titus yes leading up to the
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goal cross makes a couple of mistakes
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but doley still has time to redeem
04:00 - 04:06
if youf Mar cuts that that cut back then
04:04 - 04:08
there's still an opportunity for K Chief
04:06 - 04:13
to defend yeah
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is the Nai decision of taking cross out
04:13 - 04:18
it was not because he is making a
04:15 - 04:22
mistakes he he wanted to switch the
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tactics of the match and the tactics it
04:22 - 04:31
really work they put vazi and bani in
04:26 - 04:35
the match and the goal to goal came
04:31 - 04:39
after poan and vakas and vakas hased one
04:35 - 04:43
goal but cross he didn't make a mistake
04:39 - 04:46
even M and other two Center back should
04:43 - 04:48
have done something in this school goes
04:46 - 04:50
wide da starts from an offside position
04:48 - 04:52
he comes back I'm I'm also putting a
04:50 - 04:54
circle on on the young vazi he's looking
04:52 - 04:57
for that space he's looking for that
04:54 - 04:58
pass H to to dissect three Defenders
04:57 - 05:01
with that one pass looking for the speed
04:58 - 05:03
of Duba to run into onto that space he
05:01 - 05:04
does very well to get into that space
05:03 - 05:06
but this is the other man that came off
05:04 - 05:08
the bench bani sprinting and getting on
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his bike to get into the box but daa
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says I don't need you to give me the
05:10 - 05:14
assist I've already seen that the near
05:12 - 05:16
post is open I'm going to go for that
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near post and be able to get the goal
05:16 - 05:21
that is the Tactical switch that the
05:18 - 05:23
coach made moving in from a back five
05:21 - 05:25
into a back four three in that Midfield
05:23 - 05:27
and the three runners allowed in front
05:25 - 05:30
to Interchange position a good run by
05:27 - 05:33
Duba to stay on side a great goal was a
05:30 - 05:37
great goal for Duba he part should have
05:33 - 05:39
assisted poan so Pani was coming with
05:37 - 05:44
low speed that's why Duba decided to
05:39 - 05:47
take a shot was a great great powerful
05:44 - 05:51
shot goalkeeper didn't see it coming and
05:47 - 05:53
K Chiefs one to one at the end of the
05:51 - 05:55
match as a reckless challenge showed a
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yellow card was let down by the
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assistant referee there who was closer
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to the action and had a better view that
06:01 - 06:08
there is serious F play endangering the
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safety of an opponent it surely cannot
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count as a reckless challenge too high
06:11 - 06:16
up starts showing right on the face
06:14 - 06:19
unfortunately the referee's view
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obscured assistant referee standing
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right in front of it but because the
06:20 - 06:25
whistle went fast the assistant referee
06:23 - 06:28
switched off and took it as a referee's
06:25 - 06:32
decision to make he could have assisted
06:28 - 06:34
him there to say serious F play Red Card
06:32 - 06:38
fora Chiefs should have got a red card
06:34 - 06:41
in this challenge guys but unfortunately
06:38 - 06:44
the referee didn't see anything wrong he
06:41 - 06:48
showed a yellow card but should have got
06:44 - 06:50
a clear red card K Chief should have
06:48 - 06:53
lost this match after that red card
06:50 - 06:56
every single week he says the same thing
06:53 - 06:58
Chiefs created so many chances and I
06:56 - 07:01
thought today let's just illustrate
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against arrows how many chances they
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create first of all here it takes
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emergency work from CIA to make sure
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that this does not find the back of the
07:08 - 07:12
net but you should shabalala was in
07:10 - 07:15
watena is so happy Thomas but you should
07:12 - 07:17
be giving credit to to CIA good recovery
07:15 - 07:21
he goalkeeper is beaten we know him as
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an offensive player but he leaves
07:21 - 07:25
everything out K Chiefs got so many
07:23 - 07:29
chances in this match but they failed to
07:25 - 07:32
put one goal on back of the net that was
07:29 - 07:34
very disappointing for K CHS players K
07:32 - 07:36
CHS they need to sign more quality
07:34 - 07:39
players in general
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window they on the field and makes a
07:39 - 07:42
great clearance then shabalala here in
07:41 - 07:44
the Box tries to pick that top Corner
07:42 - 07:46
out yeah cross coming back nicely there
07:44 - 07:48
and contributing to the attack you know
07:46 - 07:50
coming in from left back as he started
07:48 - 07:52
with the back four but you count this as
07:50 - 07:54
a as a genuine goal scoring opportunity
07:52 - 07:56
because we're trying to see so far so so
07:54 - 07:58
he makes a mistake of hitting with these
07:56 - 07:59
laces instead of opening up his body a
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little bit more getting his left foot
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close to the ball and curling putting
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some curl in you know this is well
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oneon-one Cho should really do be
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be who makes the pass
08:10 - 08:16
shivo and I I heard and I saw gold.com
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reporting that uh the assistant coach
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mentioning that ranga is getting
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additional sessions in terms of in terms
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of his finishing um BMT is what's needed
08:24 - 08:29
uh BMT big MCH temperament um the
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pressure at training is not the same as
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the pressure on MCH day and I think
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emotional intelligence needed there a
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little bit to say rather go with a
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stronger foot he's going with with the
08:38 - 08:41
with the left foot which is not his
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stronger foot and and hence it hasn't
08:41 - 08:47
put it in the back of the net thank you
08:44 - 08:48
guys let's meet again in the next video
08:47 - 08:52
don't forget to subscribe like and share
08:48 - 08:56
for more videos another P extra time is
08:52 - 09:00
coming tomor we are going to talk about
08:56 - 09:03
Pirates K Chiefs and m s playing in the
09:00 - 09:07
CF champions league and the stes or
09:03 - 09:10
Pirates have already qualified for this
09:07 - 09:13
second round of CF Champions League
09:10 - 09:16
quarterfinal now we are waiting for the