00:00 - 00:04

play to play high up the pitch to play

00:01 - 00:06

as a as a wing back then you find but he

00:04 - 00:08

did here he would found himself right

00:06 - 00:10

high up in the pitch early on where he

00:08 - 00:11

should have scored exactly maybe and

00:10 - 00:15

also maybe the system itself has been

00:11 - 00:16

advised than how deadly St B is in terms

00:15 - 00:18

of the break but he finds himself in a

00:16 - 00:20

good position where he could have

00:18 - 00:22

actually scored cuz then the ball after

00:20 - 00:23

the control lands lands in the

00:22 - 00:25

especially on this left foot where he

00:23 - 00:27

could have just place the ball and and

00:25 - 00:29

we need to let go of this thing as a

00:27 - 00:30

Defender maybe he's not in the right

00:29 - 00:31

position no we can't let go you can't

00:30 - 00:33

you need to you need to put the ball in

00:31 - 00:37

the back of but that's a defender's

00:33 - 00:38

finish no no man when you do finishing a

00:37 - 00:40

training there's no there's no finishing

00:38 - 00:42

that been done by only attackers even

00:40 - 00:43

Defenders gets involved so when you get

00:42 - 00:45

into the type of spaces then you need to

00:43 - 00:47

you need to be able to put at least for

00:45 - 00:51

the goalkeeper to make it sa well here

00:47 - 00:54

he is subbed 29 minutes into the game

00:51 - 00:56

and it wasn't the Miss but it was maybe

00:54 - 00:58

the fact that that opportunity didn't

00:56 - 01:00

find the back of the net and then also

00:58 - 01:03

how it was that St

01:00 - 01:05

found the goal because he was very much

01:03 - 01:08

involved in how the ball was given away

01:05 - 01:10

and Ste took the one n Advantage the

01:08 - 01:11

conversation there what's likely to be

01:10 - 01:14

said by the coach because this is not a

01:11 - 01:16

usual situation a player not injured 29

01:14 - 01:19

minutes in taken off I think it's just

01:16 - 01:21

reassuring a player or a coach it's very

01:19 - 01:23

important that it's it's not a you thing

01:21 - 01:25

um it could have just meant that maybe

01:23 - 01:27

from a tactical point of view and I mean

01:25 - 01:30

we have to also give credit here this is

01:27 - 01:32

staly you know stales are known to be

01:30 - 01:34

tacticians of the game and I think they

01:32 - 01:35

were also quite smart in making sure

01:34 - 01:39

that they Implement a plan that we'll

01:35 - 01:41

see ukoss being sort of double teamed or

01:39 - 01:42

maybe three players just making sure

01:41 - 01:44

that having to deal with Titans out

01:42 - 01:46

there the right side the pace is there

01:44 - 01:48

and he hasn't been very regular as well

01:46 - 01:50

in terms of game time so you can only

01:48 - 01:52

imagine what that could have done in

01:50 - 01:53

terms of the team but as a coach you

01:52 - 01:55

have to make sure that you sacrifice and

01:53 - 01:58

unfortunately for him it's just to

01:55 - 01:59

really get back and just uh make sure

01:58 - 02:01

that he works a lot of coaches aren't

01:59 - 02:04

willing to make that kind of change they

02:01 - 02:05

they think of the player the mentalness

02:04 - 02:07

of the player how is he going to take

02:05 - 02:09

this if I take him off let me keep him

02:07 - 02:12

going maybe at half time but coach na be

02:09 - 02:14

feeling that it it was better sooner

02:12 - 02:16

rather than later yeah and it's it's

02:14 - 02:18

such unfortunate situation when you're a

02:16 - 02:20

player that gets to be substituted in

02:18 - 02:22

that manner especially not the game is

02:20 - 02:25

going not the game maybe probably going

02:22 - 02:26

your way and and and and what I like as

02:25 - 02:28

well just like Amanda is saying the

02:26 - 02:30

reassurance you can see that it speaks

02:28 - 02:32

to the play so there's cross this goes

02:30 - 02:33

under his foot this is the incident as

02:32 - 02:36

well could have been avoided yes he wins

02:33 - 02:37

the ball back and he's still trying to

02:36 - 02:40

play from the back right and then he

02:37 - 02:42

plays the ball on D's left foot D is the

02:40 - 02:43

left side of foot center back he could

02:42 - 02:46

have cleared the ball to try to play

02:43 - 02:49

back again and they they considered it

02:46 - 02:51

everybody can say okay maybe cross

02:49 - 02:53

starts with him but still Dy still had

02:51 - 02:54

the ball to clear but he didn't clear he

02:53 - 02:56

played the ball that's the ball that was

02:54 - 02:58

intercepted that resulted into a goal

02:56 - 02:59

but then it's those are mistakes that

02:58 - 03:01

are so unfortunate because then when you

02:59 - 03:03

play play out with that pressing trap

03:01 - 03:04

then you look like a good team because

03:03 - 03:06

then you play out but still is year were

03:04 - 03:08

able to pounce and and that's where the

03:06 - 03:09

game that's how the game started for and

03:08 - 03:12

again it's Titus who comes with the

03:09 - 03:14

assist there it's the young man the new

03:12 - 03:18


03:14 - 03:22

inani who after a lengthy spell at baroa

03:18 - 03:25

arrives at the club first start of the

03:22 - 03:26

time that he has been with Ste and it's

03:25 - 03:28

a great moment however it's not a moment

03:26 - 03:30

that's going to live in the history

03:28 - 03:33

books as a win just the goal for him

03:30 - 03:36

because then we start to see the DDC the

03:33 - 03:37

DStv aisy challenge uh the products that

03:36 - 03:39

come through there that kaisa Chiefs

03:37 - 03:42

have been Fielding week after week after

03:39 - 03:44

week Wy Leba coming into this game now

03:42 - 03:46

he starts he shows the danger he finds

03:44 - 03:49

the Nate yeah I think it's very

03:46 - 03:50

important for Dua especially to to to

03:49 - 03:52

start finding the back of the net

03:50 - 03:54

consistently because he has all the

03:52 - 03:56

qualities of a good Striker a good

03:54 - 03:59

attacker here he finds himself free

03:56 - 04:00

unmarked just all the time in the world

03:59 - 04:02

to make sure that he tucks it in but

04:00 - 04:04

also just uses his speed whenever he's

04:02 - 04:07

wide gets the crosses and I think just

04:04 - 04:09

for for just for his confidence Duba

04:07 - 04:10

really really needed to to get a goal

04:09 - 04:13

one of the things that coach Nai has

04:10 - 04:16

done really well this season is Corner

04:13 - 04:19

kicks set pieces four of them have been

04:16 - 04:21

goals for KA a Chiefs this season I

04:19 - 04:22

think that's the highest in the league I

04:21 - 04:24

mean you have got the big Bo you're

04:22 - 04:27

supposed to use them effectively and you

04:24 - 04:29

can see how the ball is hanging there

04:27 - 04:31

and with with steis I don't think they

04:29 - 04:34


04:31 - 04:38

as very second but then

04:34 - 04:41

you AER against one of the the the

04:38 - 04:43

strongest haters of K Chiefs but then

04:41 - 04:44

again it's it's those defensive

04:43 - 04:47

faculties that you've seen with the set

04:44 - 04:49

piece for K Chiefs but I've seen K

04:47 - 04:50

Chiefs when they were in set pieces they

04:49 - 04:54

went on to win the league with steart

04:50 - 04:56

backer with Morgan Gold Mas so they do

04:54 - 04:58

have the qualities of being able to be

04:56 - 05:00

de Stevie B would have been disappointed

04:58 - 05:02

with that because so far this season

05:00 - 05:04

they hadn't conceded from a corner kick

05:02 - 05:07

and then they go and give one

05:04 - 05:09

away because so far this season they

05:07 - 05:11

hadn't conceded from a corner kick and

05:09 - 05:13

then they go and get one away there yeah

05:11 - 05:15

I think very passive um not even an

05:13 - 05:18

opportunity to get to a second ball for

05:15 - 05:20

any of of ste's players and I think just

05:18 - 05:22

with that it just means that they were

05:20 - 05:25

not in contention at all aerial duels

05:22 - 05:29

they miss it but also that second ball

05:25 - 05:31

CH du's completely free now Duba finds

05:29 - 05:33

his fourth goal of the Season Kaiser

05:31 - 05:36

Chiefs find all three of the points

05:33 - 05:40

second half this is how it happens ball

05:36 - 05:42

taken Chiefs turn that into the attack

05:40 - 05:44

that eventually ends with the ball in

05:42 - 05:49

the back of the net here great ball

05:44 - 05:53

through Duba absolutely clinical look we

05:49 - 05:55

we spoke about the run you know

05:53 - 05:57

and that's one of those important runs

05:55 - 06:00

because then the the defensive line

05:57 - 06:03

years steis is broken and he

06:00 - 06:05

he he makes that run very very well

06:03 - 06:06

because also you know with v a good

06:05 - 06:09

being able to pass the ball at the right

06:06 - 06:11

time but yet again he finds himself in a

06:09 - 06:13

very awkward space awkward angle he

06:11 - 06:15

starts find time can see also the

06:13 - 06:17

reaction from the's defense not being

06:15 - 06:21

able to cover back but he slots it in in

06:17 - 06:22

a very very very uh close uh um angle

06:21 - 06:24

there where you thought maybe Sage

06:22 - 06:26

Stevens could have done better but yet

06:24 - 06:26

again when you're

06:26 - 06:32

conf top a risk you couldn't finish the

06:31 - 06:35


06:32 - 06:37

Nowa a brace eventually having to come

06:35 - 06:39

off though with a little bit of a knock

06:37 - 06:41

and hopefully he's back for Kaiser

06:39 - 06:42

Chiefs and that knock is not one that's

06:41 - 06:46

too serious but you can see by the

06:42 - 06:46

talking right I mean it doesn't look too

06:47 - 06:52

serious and at just 20 years of age four

06:50 - 06:55

goals so far this season promoted last

06:52 - 06:58

season showing why he was promoted why

06:55 - 07:01

he was so good in the DDC yeah I mean

06:58 - 07:03

you look at just the the the entire goal

07:01 - 07:05

how it was orchestrated it had those

07:03 - 07:07

touches from from from the DDC the likes

07:05 - 07:09

of vas you know if it is that the legs

07:07 - 07:12

are gone they're very Dynamic they've

07:09 - 07:13

got this youthful exuberance of Just

07:12 - 07:15

Energy and that's what they give you and

07:13 - 07:17

I think it's so important if it is that

07:15 - 07:20

you get a knock and you're 20y old just

07:17 - 07:23

take the boy out two goals he's work

07:20 - 07:25

hard let him go chill all right so let's

07:23 - 07:27

go and have a look and see what is going

07:25 - 07:29

on as far as the 59th minute of the

07:27 - 07:30

match is concerned I did see some of you

07:29 - 07:33

your tweets coming through and you were

07:30 - 07:37

mentioning that Boer needs a little bit

07:33 - 07:39

of credit as well for his contribution

07:37 - 07:42

to Chief's taking all of the points Del

07:39 - 07:45

is pouring forward and that's a save

07:42 - 07:48

fantastic effort there from Bruce vman a

07:45 - 07:50

it's fantastic save and also you can see

07:48 - 07:53

he moves forward a little bit just to

07:50 - 07:55

make maybe maybe force uh maybe to make

07:53 - 07:58

this the angle a bit more Awkward for

07:55 - 08:00

for Adams to also defensively from K

07:58 - 08:02

they forcing Adam to shoot

08:00 - 08:05

sooner than he wanted to but but as a

08:02 - 08:07

goalkeeper as well so it it needs guys

08:05 - 08:09

big teams you need a good goalkeeper to

08:07 - 08:11

be able to to make those type of saes

08:09 - 08:12

yeah of course hit the hood work bet

08:11 - 08:15

that's what we expect from Ste they're

08:12 - 08:17

not going to lie back and and just you

08:15 - 08:19

know play dead yeah again he makes that

08:17 - 08:21

crucial crucial save whenever he's

08:19 - 08:24

called upon that's what he's supposed to

08:21 - 08:27

do he gets up doing uh the switched on

08:24 - 08:29

he was switched on in this game he

08:27 - 08:31

definitely was switched on and I think

08:29 - 08:33

this is what made a whole lot of things

08:31 - 08:35

maybe a lot more easy is that once Kaza

08:33 - 08:38

Chief started dealing with the threats

08:35 - 08:40

in the wide areas everything else that

08:38 - 08:42

came was from the middle coming direct

08:40 - 08:44

set pieces of which I think really

08:42 - 08:46

showed his

08:44 - 08:49

best at

08:46 - 08:51

leashing Absolute Thunder on that shot

08:49 - 08:53

keeper making sure all three of the

08:51 - 08:57

points are staying with the club from

08:53 - 09:00

Nina Wy Leba is the man of the match and

08:57 - 09:02

got off that stretcher got that

09:00 - 09:05

injury worked out and was able to have

09:02 - 09:05

this postmatch interview and

Analyzing Football Tactics and Player Performance

In the world of football, tactics play a crucial role in determining the outcome of a match. In a recent game, we witnessed an intense display of skill as players navigated the field, showcasing their abilities in various positions. The game featured strategic plays, missed opportunities, and crucial moments that ultimately shaped the final result. Let's delve into the key aspects of the match and analyze the players' performances on the pitch.

Tactical Strategies and Player Positioning

The game started with a player positioned as a wing back, pushing high up the pitch to support the offensive play. However, despite finding himself in favorable positions early on, he failed to capitalize on scoring opportunities. The system adopted by the team highlighted the importance of being lethal on the break, a quality that St. B demonstrated effectively. When a defender found himself out of position, the importance of defensive awareness became evident. The coach's decision to substitute the player after 29 minutes raised questions about tactical adjustments and player performance evaluation.

Player Substitution and Coaching Decisions

The unexpected substitution of a player midway through the game sparked speculation about the reasons behind the tactical change. The coach's role in reassuring the player and making strategic decisions based on performance rather than sentimentality became a focal point of discussion. Tactical acumen and the ability to adapt to evolving game situations were highlighted as essential qualities for a successful coach.

Defensive Errors and Goal-scoring Opportunities

Defensive lapses, such as giving the ball away and failing to clear it effectively, led to goal-scoring opportunities for the opposing team. The analysis delved into specific incidents, emphasizing the importance of composure under pressure and decision-making in critical moments. The significance of learning from mistakes and striving for consistency in performance was underscored, especially for attackers aiming to find the back of the net consistently.

Set Pieces and Team Strategy

Set pieces emerged as a significant aspect of the game, with corner kicks and set-piece goals influencing the outcome. The effectiveness of utilizing tall players for set plays and the defensive vulnerabilities exposed during such situations were analyzed. Historical perspectives on team strategies, including past successes with set pieces, provided insights into the evolution of tactical approaches in football.

Individual Performances and Player Development

Player performances, such as clinical finishing, strategic runs, and goal-scoring instincts, were highlighted as pivotal in determining the outcome of the match. The analysis focused on individual players' contributions, tactical awareness, and the impact of youthful exuberance on team dynamics. The importance of recognizing and nurturing young talent for long-term success was a key takeaway from the match.

Goalkeeping Excellence and Match-saving Moments

The critical role of goalkeepers in making crucial saves and influencing the game's momentum was discussed. The analysis of goalkeeping techniques, positioning, and anticipation highlighted the significance of reliable goalkeepers in high-stakes matches. Match-saving moments and the impact of goalkeepers on securing victory were emphasized as integral components of a successful team.

In conclusion, the analysis of football tactics and player performances provides valuable insights into the intricacies of the game. From tactical strategies to individual contributions, every aspect of the match contributes to the overall narrative of football excellence. As teams continue to evolve and adapt to changing dynamics, the role of coaches, players, and key moments in matches remains central to the sport's enduring appeal and excitement.