00:00 - 00:04
play to play high up the pitch to play
00:01 - 00:06
as a as a wing back then you find but he
00:04 - 00:08
did here he would found himself right
00:06 - 00:10
high up in the pitch early on where he
00:08 - 00:11
should have scored exactly maybe and
00:10 - 00:15
also maybe the system itself has been
00:11 - 00:16
advised than how deadly St B is in terms
00:15 - 00:18
of the break but he finds himself in a
00:16 - 00:20
good position where he could have
00:18 - 00:22
actually scored cuz then the ball after
00:20 - 00:23
the control lands lands in the
00:22 - 00:25
especially on this left foot where he
00:23 - 00:27
could have just place the ball and and
00:25 - 00:29
we need to let go of this thing as a
00:27 - 00:30
Defender maybe he's not in the right
00:29 - 00:31
position no we can't let go you can't
00:30 - 00:33
you need to you need to put the ball in
00:31 - 00:37
the back of but that's a defender's
00:33 - 00:38
finish no no man when you do finishing a
00:37 - 00:40
training there's no there's no finishing
00:38 - 00:42
that been done by only attackers even
00:40 - 00:43
Defenders gets involved so when you get
00:42 - 00:45
into the type of spaces then you need to
00:43 - 00:47
you need to be able to put at least for
00:45 - 00:51
the goalkeeper to make it sa well here
00:47 - 00:54
he is subbed 29 minutes into the game
00:51 - 00:56
and it wasn't the Miss but it was maybe
00:54 - 00:58
the fact that that opportunity didn't
00:56 - 01:00
find the back of the net and then also
00:58 - 01:03
how it was that St
01:00 - 01:05
found the goal because he was very much
01:03 - 01:08
involved in how the ball was given away
01:05 - 01:10
and Ste took the one n Advantage the
01:08 - 01:11
conversation there what's likely to be
01:10 - 01:14
said by the coach because this is not a
01:11 - 01:16
usual situation a player not injured 29
01:14 - 01:19
minutes in taken off I think it's just
01:16 - 01:21
reassuring a player or a coach it's very
01:19 - 01:23
important that it's it's not a you thing
01:21 - 01:25
um it could have just meant that maybe
01:23 - 01:27
from a tactical point of view and I mean
01:25 - 01:30
we have to also give credit here this is
01:27 - 01:32
staly you know stales are known to be
01:30 - 01:34
tacticians of the game and I think they
01:32 - 01:35
were also quite smart in making sure
01:34 - 01:39
that they Implement a plan that we'll
01:35 - 01:41
see ukoss being sort of double teamed or
01:39 - 01:42
maybe three players just making sure
01:41 - 01:44
that having to deal with Titans out
01:42 - 01:46
there the right side the pace is there
01:44 - 01:48
and he hasn't been very regular as well
01:46 - 01:50
in terms of game time so you can only
01:48 - 01:52
imagine what that could have done in
01:50 - 01:53
terms of the team but as a coach you
01:52 - 01:55
have to make sure that you sacrifice and
01:53 - 01:58
unfortunately for him it's just to
01:55 - 01:59
really get back and just uh make sure
01:58 - 02:01
that he works a lot of coaches aren't
01:59 - 02:04
willing to make that kind of change they
02:01 - 02:05
they think of the player the mentalness
02:04 - 02:07
of the player how is he going to take
02:05 - 02:09
this if I take him off let me keep him
02:07 - 02:12
going maybe at half time but coach na be
02:09 - 02:14
feeling that it it was better sooner
02:12 - 02:16
rather than later yeah and it's it's
02:14 - 02:18
such unfortunate situation when you're a
02:16 - 02:20
player that gets to be substituted in
02:18 - 02:22
that manner especially not the game is
02:20 - 02:25
going not the game maybe probably going
02:22 - 02:26
your way and and and and what I like as
02:25 - 02:28
well just like Amanda is saying the
02:26 - 02:30
reassurance you can see that it speaks
02:28 - 02:32
to the play so there's cross this goes
02:30 - 02:33
under his foot this is the incident as
02:32 - 02:36
well could have been avoided yes he wins
02:33 - 02:37
the ball back and he's still trying to
02:36 - 02:40
play from the back right and then he
02:37 - 02:42
plays the ball on D's left foot D is the
02:40 - 02:43
left side of foot center back he could
02:42 - 02:46
have cleared the ball to try to play
02:43 - 02:49
back again and they they considered it
02:46 - 02:51
everybody can say okay maybe cross
02:49 - 02:53
starts with him but still Dy still had
02:51 - 02:54
the ball to clear but he didn't clear he
02:53 - 02:56
played the ball that's the ball that was
02:54 - 02:58
intercepted that resulted into a goal
02:56 - 02:59
but then it's those are mistakes that
02:58 - 03:01
are so unfortunate because then when you
02:59 - 03:03
play play out with that pressing trap
03:01 - 03:04
then you look like a good team because
03:03 - 03:06
then you play out but still is year were
03:04 - 03:08
able to pounce and and that's where the
03:06 - 03:09
game that's how the game started for and
03:08 - 03:12
again it's Titus who comes with the
03:09 - 03:14
assist there it's the young man the new
03:14 - 03:22
inani who after a lengthy spell at baroa
03:18 - 03:25
arrives at the club first start of the
03:22 - 03:26
time that he has been with Ste and it's
03:25 - 03:28
a great moment however it's not a moment
03:26 - 03:30
that's going to live in the history
03:28 - 03:33
books as a win just the goal for him
03:30 - 03:36
because then we start to see the DDC the
03:33 - 03:37
DStv aisy challenge uh the products that
03:36 - 03:39
come through there that kaisa Chiefs
03:37 - 03:42
have been Fielding week after week after
03:39 - 03:44
week Wy Leba coming into this game now
03:42 - 03:46
he starts he shows the danger he finds
03:44 - 03:49
the Nate yeah I think it's very
03:46 - 03:50
important for Dua especially to to to
03:49 - 03:52
start finding the back of the net
03:50 - 03:54
consistently because he has all the
03:52 - 03:56
qualities of a good Striker a good
03:54 - 03:59
attacker here he finds himself free
03:56 - 04:00
unmarked just all the time in the world
03:59 - 04:02
to make sure that he tucks it in but
04:00 - 04:04
also just uses his speed whenever he's
04:02 - 04:07
wide gets the crosses and I think just
04:04 - 04:09
for for just for his confidence Duba
04:07 - 04:10
really really needed to to get a goal
04:09 - 04:13
one of the things that coach Nai has
04:10 - 04:16
done really well this season is Corner
04:13 - 04:19
kicks set pieces four of them have been
04:16 - 04:21
goals for KA a Chiefs this season I
04:19 - 04:22
think that's the highest in the league I
04:21 - 04:24
mean you have got the big Bo you're
04:22 - 04:27
supposed to use them effectively and you
04:24 - 04:29
can see how the ball is hanging there
04:27 - 04:31
and with with steis I don't think they
04:31 - 04:38
as very second but then
04:34 - 04:41
you AER against one of the the the
04:38 - 04:43
strongest haters of K Chiefs but then
04:41 - 04:44
again it's it's those defensive
04:43 - 04:47
faculties that you've seen with the set
04:44 - 04:49
piece for K Chiefs but I've seen K
04:47 - 04:50
Chiefs when they were in set pieces they
04:49 - 04:54
went on to win the league with steart
04:50 - 04:56
backer with Morgan Gold Mas so they do
04:54 - 04:58
have the qualities of being able to be
04:56 - 05:00
de Stevie B would have been disappointed
04:58 - 05:02
with that because so far this season
05:00 - 05:04
they hadn't conceded from a corner kick
05:02 - 05:07
and then they go and give one
05:04 - 05:09
away because so far this season they
05:07 - 05:11
hadn't conceded from a corner kick and
05:09 - 05:13
then they go and get one away there yeah
05:11 - 05:15
I think very passive um not even an
05:13 - 05:18
opportunity to get to a second ball for
05:15 - 05:20
any of of ste's players and I think just
05:18 - 05:22
with that it just means that they were
05:20 - 05:25
not in contention at all aerial duels
05:22 - 05:29
they miss it but also that second ball
05:25 - 05:31
CH du's completely free now Duba finds
05:29 - 05:33
his fourth goal of the Season Kaiser
05:31 - 05:36
Chiefs find all three of the points
05:33 - 05:40
second half this is how it happens ball
05:36 - 05:42
taken Chiefs turn that into the attack
05:40 - 05:44
that eventually ends with the ball in
05:42 - 05:49
the back of the net here great ball
05:44 - 05:53
through Duba absolutely clinical look we
05:49 - 05:55
we spoke about the run you know
05:53 - 05:57
and that's one of those important runs
05:55 - 06:00
because then the the defensive line
05:57 - 06:03
years steis is broken and he
06:00 - 06:05
he he makes that run very very well
06:03 - 06:06
because also you know with v a good
06:05 - 06:09
being able to pass the ball at the right
06:06 - 06:11
time but yet again he finds himself in a
06:09 - 06:13
very awkward space awkward angle he
06:11 - 06:15
starts find time can see also the
06:13 - 06:17
reaction from the's defense not being
06:15 - 06:21
able to cover back but he slots it in in
06:17 - 06:22
a very very very uh close uh um angle
06:21 - 06:24
there where you thought maybe Sage
06:22 - 06:26
Stevens could have done better but yet
06:24 - 06:26
again when you're
06:26 - 06:32
conf top a risk you couldn't finish the
06:32 - 06:37
Nowa a brace eventually having to come
06:35 - 06:39
off though with a little bit of a knock
06:37 - 06:41
and hopefully he's back for Kaiser
06:39 - 06:42
Chiefs and that knock is not one that's
06:41 - 06:46
too serious but you can see by the
06:42 - 06:46
talking right I mean it doesn't look too
06:47 - 06:52
serious and at just 20 years of age four
06:50 - 06:55
goals so far this season promoted last
06:52 - 06:58
season showing why he was promoted why
06:55 - 07:01
he was so good in the DDC yeah I mean
06:58 - 07:03
you look at just the the the entire goal
07:01 - 07:05
how it was orchestrated it had those
07:03 - 07:07
touches from from from the DDC the likes
07:05 - 07:09
of vas you know if it is that the legs
07:07 - 07:12
are gone they're very Dynamic they've
07:09 - 07:13
got this youthful exuberance of Just
07:12 - 07:15
Energy and that's what they give you and
07:13 - 07:17
I think it's so important if it is that
07:15 - 07:20
you get a knock and you're 20y old just
07:17 - 07:23
take the boy out two goals he's work
07:20 - 07:25
hard let him go chill all right so let's
07:23 - 07:27
go and have a look and see what is going
07:25 - 07:29
on as far as the 59th minute of the
07:27 - 07:30
match is concerned I did see some of you
07:29 - 07:33
your tweets coming through and you were
07:30 - 07:37
mentioning that Boer needs a little bit
07:33 - 07:39
of credit as well for his contribution
07:37 - 07:42
to Chief's taking all of the points Del
07:39 - 07:45
is pouring forward and that's a save
07:42 - 07:48
fantastic effort there from Bruce vman a
07:45 - 07:50
it's fantastic save and also you can see
07:48 - 07:53
he moves forward a little bit just to
07:50 - 07:55
make maybe maybe force uh maybe to make
07:53 - 07:58
this the angle a bit more Awkward for
07:55 - 08:00
for Adams to also defensively from K
07:58 - 08:02
they forcing Adam to shoot
08:00 - 08:05
sooner than he wanted to but but as a
08:02 - 08:07
goalkeeper as well so it it needs guys
08:05 - 08:09
big teams you need a good goalkeeper to
08:07 - 08:11
be able to to make those type of saes
08:09 - 08:12
yeah of course hit the hood work bet
08:11 - 08:15
that's what we expect from Ste they're
08:12 - 08:17
not going to lie back and and just you
08:15 - 08:19
know play dead yeah again he makes that
08:17 - 08:21
crucial crucial save whenever he's
08:19 - 08:24
called upon that's what he's supposed to
08:21 - 08:27
do he gets up doing uh the switched on
08:24 - 08:29
he was switched on in this game he
08:27 - 08:31
definitely was switched on and I think
08:29 - 08:33
this is what made a whole lot of things
08:31 - 08:35
maybe a lot more easy is that once Kaza
08:33 - 08:38
Chief started dealing with the threats
08:35 - 08:40
in the wide areas everything else that
08:38 - 08:42
came was from the middle coming direct
08:40 - 08:44
set pieces of which I think really
08:46 - 08:51
leashing Absolute Thunder on that shot
08:49 - 08:53
keeper making sure all three of the
08:51 - 08:57
points are staying with the club from
08:53 - 09:00
Nina Wy Leba is the man of the match and
08:57 - 09:02
got off that stretcher got that
09:00 - 09:05
injury worked out and was able to have
09:02 - 09:05
this postmatch interview and