00:01 - 00:03

and here we

00:06 - 00:12

go older wiser and probably if it's

00:10 - 00:15

possible a little

00:12 - 00:19

better than

00:15 - 00:20

the 2008 selves and if you've seen any

00:19 - 00:23

of the footage from that great match

00:20 - 00:27

you'll know that they look like boys

00:23 - 00:27

then they look like men now

00:41 - 00:45

15 well he lost the last point they

00:43 - 00:48

played here so that'll be a relief for

00:45 - 00:48


01:12 - 01:14


01:24 - 01:29


01:26 - 01:30

13 for me that's the serve we've got to

01:29 - 01:33

look out for in in the juice box you see

01:30 - 01:35

where Nadal's positioning is he's a long

01:33 - 01:39

way back that really does open up the

01:35 - 01:41

angles for federa to serve out wide even

01:39 - 01:41

Ser them

01:47 - 01:52

volley 14 15

02:18 - 02:23

go by Ms 43

02:25 - 02:29


02:38 - 02:51


02:48 - 02:53

rafan adal first number one after the

02:51 - 02:55

2008 final real Changing of the Guard

02:53 - 03:00


02:55 - 03:03

match back in 2008 Roger fedra first at

03:00 - 03:03

the top of the game as number one in

03:05 - 03:11

2004 103

03:08 - 03:13

Nadal in Grand Slams that's more

03:11 - 03:15

domination than you might imagine six of

03:13 - 03:19

them were at the French Open the only

03:15 - 03:21

time fedra has ever beaten Nadal at a

03:19 - 03:22

grand slam outside of wiland the

03:21 - 03:26


03:22 - 03:26

Open 2017

03:36 - 03:40

rapael Nadal to

04:13 - 04:19

I think that's another important fact

04:16 - 04:21

today is how well can fedra handle the

04:19 - 04:24

Nadal surf how quickly he gets into the

04:21 - 04:25

points especially on Nadal's second surf

04:24 - 04:27

cuz that's where he has to take

04:25 - 04:30

advantage if he wants to stand the

04:27 - 04:30


04:34 - 04:42

LED for service it's a bit quiet in

04:38 - 04:46

here whole Center Courts a bit

04:42 - 04:46

hushed we a

04:55 - 05:02


05:00 - 05:02

no you

05:16 - 05:21

love 40 love

05:22 - 05:25


05:59 - 06:01


06:05 - 06:12

up one game all

06:09 - 06:12


06:13 - 06:18

for just the first probings in this

06:19 - 06:25

match it's their fifth

06:22 - 06:31

ever match in a grand slam

06:25 - 06:31

semifinal Nadal won the four

06:39 - 06:43

so that's the tactic we're talking about

06:41 - 06:46

Nadal a long way back feder able to get

06:43 - 06:48

in tight if federa continues to do that

06:46 - 06:53

it'll be interesting to see whether

06:48 - 06:53

Nadal changes his return position

07:10 - 07:15


07:11 - 07:15

speed and the FED ground

07:15 - 07:22

strokes very familiar faces by now in

07:18 - 07:22

his box

07:31 - 07:33


07:44 - 07:47


07:53 - 07:58

Gad by two games to one

08:00 - 08:03

just the seven minutes played here both

08:02 - 08:05

these players have a losing record

08:03 - 08:08

against the man who Waits them in the

08:05 - 08:11

final there'll be no thoughts of what's

08:08 - 08:13

coming on Sunday no particular fatigue

08:11 - 08:16

for any of these players so far jovic

08:13 - 08:18

will probably want some Titanic five

08:16 - 08:21

Setter that will virtually disable these

08:18 - 08:23

two in terms of their effectiveness for

08:21 - 08:24

the final that's happened before it

08:23 - 08:27

happened when

08:24 - 08:30

Novak and Rafa

08:27 - 08:32

played beautiful match at this point

08:30 - 08:34

last year Anderson and Isner had played

08:32 - 08:36

each other to a stand still none of that

08:34 - 08:37

this year Boris they've been dominant

08:36 - 08:41

haven't they these three once again it's

08:37 - 08:43

been amazing yeah it's wonderful to see

08:41 - 08:47

these great Legends you know goats of

08:43 - 08:49

the game find a way to push each other

08:47 - 08:51

stay the course get better with every

08:49 - 08:53

year it seems

08:51 - 08:57

like uh the Next Generation whoever is

08:53 - 09:01

behind him doesn't seem to close the

08:57 - 09:03

gap time did you just call them goats

09:01 - 09:06

three of them what's that the greatest

09:03 - 09:09

of all time it's not an animal it's just

09:06 - 09:09

the highest title in any

09:12 - 09:20

sport couple of goats going head

09:15 - 09:24

to-head like that no breaks

09:20 - 09:27

it's one two quickly please ladies and

09:24 - 09:29

Gentlemen people just coming back in

09:27 - 09:32

after the first semi-final had an hour

09:29 - 09:33

off they didn't have that before team

09:32 - 09:35

right this is new this year or they've

09:33 - 09:37

had it last year already the gap between

09:35 - 09:40

first and semi-final yeah a little bit

09:37 - 09:40

more precise I think

09:41 - 09:45

now let for

09:46 - 09:50

service certainly in quer in the query

09:48 - 09:53

match with Nadal he was very anxious to

09:50 - 09:55

know the exact timings and

09:53 - 09:59

4:00 seemed like a good cut off for the

09:55 - 09:59

handshake of the previous match

10:21 - 10:29


10:27 - 10:31

15 it's also a little of buildup for

10:29 - 10:34

both players so mentally they need to be

10:31 - 10:36

stimulated it's a long wait it's a long

10:34 - 10:41

48 hours since they played last time so

10:36 - 10:41

it their engine can't be yet at 100%

11:11 - 11:17


11:15 - 11:18

slipped away but was able to manage and

11:17 - 11:23

keep his

11:18 - 11:23

balance beautiful short backand

11:23 - 11:27

slice stopped on the line didn't it as

11:25 - 11:31

well I think I might better see the mark

11:27 - 11:34

over there it's a shame the ball stops

11:31 - 11:34

when it hits the

11:40 - 11:45

light let for service

12:20 - 12:27


12:25 - 12:29

coach Francisco Roy has been talking

12:27 - 12:31

about rafh and adal and how he's been

12:29 - 12:34

playing with Precision with intensity

12:31 - 12:38

and fluidity but also how he

12:34 - 12:41

changes his stance on serve according to

12:38 - 12:45

the surface just tiny

12:41 - 12:45

alterations specifically for Grass Court

12:50 - 12:53

play that's

12:54 - 12:58

precise 14

13:04 - 13:11

give Nadal a short one on the

13:06 - 13:11

forehand and he says thank

13:16 - 13:20

you 403

13:52 - 14:00

games is that

13:54 - 14:01

Sebastian Roger Dad here as well

14:00 - 14:03

must be a gift to be able to take your

14:01 - 14:05

practice improvements right out onto the

14:03 - 14:07

court mentioned before Tim both these

14:05 - 14:11


14:07 - 14:14

improved without doubt you have

14:11 - 14:14


14:15 - 14:20

K it's the Ser of you mentioned the

14:18 - 14:20

short wide

14:22 - 14:29

one see how many free points he gets

14:24 - 14:29

before Nadal changes his position

14:40 - 14:44

love both players been very efficient

14:42 - 14:46

early on on their service games only

14:44 - 14:49

given up a couple of points

14:46 - 14:54

each both doing a good job of dominating

14:49 - 14:54

the points let's for service

15:03 - 15:07

40 love

15:39 - 15:46

I'd say that's the shot Nal improved the

15:41 - 15:46

most that quick backand now cross cord

15:57 - 16:08


16:06 - 16:11

by three games to

16:08 - 16:13

two fascinating quar of an hour just the

16:11 - 16:16

opening salbo in this second semifinal

16:13 - 16:17

at wimon Roger fedra certainly added to

16:16 - 16:19

his game over the years but so is rafan

16:17 - 16:23

adal Boris Becker has just mentioned how

16:19 - 16:25

his backand has increased in its potency

16:23 - 16:27

over the years but certainly his Ser has

16:25 - 16:29

as well Tim and Boris have a quick look

16:27 - 16:31

at this I mean it's got a few bit some

16:29 - 16:33

Bobs on it but it's the Nadal serve

16:31 - 16:37

alteration Francisco Roy coach talking

16:33 - 16:39

about this now last year is in the red

16:37 - 16:42

and those Trails really just

16:39 - 16:45

illustration so in the red on the right

16:42 - 16:47

in the top right so at the hit point it

16:45 - 16:51

was slower this is during the the whole

16:47 - 16:52

tournament pre- bounce slower post

16:51 - 16:54

bounce obviously slower and at the

16:52 - 16:57

returner significantly slower so he's

16:54 - 16:59

whatever he's done Tim he he's he's

16:57 - 17:01

quickened It Up by can't speak for the

16:59 - 17:03

accuracy but Nadal surf has certainly

17:01 - 17:05

looked more effective yeah definitely I

17:03 - 17:07

think when you you mentioned Francisco

17:05 - 17:10

Roy talking about how he positions his

17:07 - 17:11

feet I think uh you know now he's he's

17:10 - 17:13

actually hitting the serve a little bit

17:11 - 17:15

flatter on some of the other surfaces

17:13 - 17:18

you feel like he's coming round the side

17:15 - 17:20

of the ball to create that spin a little

17:18 - 17:22

bit more curve on the ball but this one

17:20 - 17:24

as you see by that flight on Hawkeye

17:22 - 17:26

much flatter going through the court a

17:24 - 17:28

little bit quicker and in percentage

17:26 - 17:31

terms by the time it's getting to the

17:28 - 17:34

returner it's probably 20 25% exactly

17:31 - 17:36

faster it is thank you thank you

17:34 - 17:40

something that we'll continue to watch

17:36 - 17:40

the Nadal serve now at

17:52 - 17:56

23 15

18:16 - 18:19

30 love

18:38 - 18:43

4 love yeah it's the first serve that

18:41 - 18:46

does the damage Roger doesn't really get

18:43 - 18:46

into the uh return games at

18:52 - 18:57

all game Nal

18:59 - 19:05


19:03 - 19:08

Three G all for one thing you can never

19:05 - 19:10

really measure but you can feel and the

19:08 - 19:12

whole tournament has and these Champions

19:10 - 19:14

that I'm sh in the comary books have

19:12 - 19:16

understood and perceived is confidence

19:14 - 19:18

and he's had it there's been a presence

19:16 - 19:20

around Nadal during this tournament he's

19:18 - 19:22

won 17 straight matches across the

19:20 - 19:24

Italian open in Rome and also in Paris

19:22 - 19:29

at the French Open where he just won his

19:24 - 19:29

12th French so Nadal in Supreme form

19:33 - 19:37

you talk about confidence I think

19:34 - 19:39

there's a confidence in Rafa's game but

19:37 - 19:42

there's also confidence in his body he

19:39 - 19:46

had some big challenges early on in the

19:42 - 19:46

year but feeling in very good

19:48 - 19:55

shape in fact on n's way winning his 12

19:52 - 19:55

he beat F the

19:56 - 20:00

semi-final in straight sets

20:24 - 20:29

a first victory for Nadal over feder in

20:26 - 20:32

some five and a half years

20:29 - 20:35

and that will amaze people hadn't beaten

20:32 - 20:38

him since Australian Open semi-final in

20:35 - 20:38


20:54 - 21:08


21:05 - 21:10

F El games to three

21:08 - 21:12

first it's a clinical start from both

21:10 - 21:15

players feder has only dropped three

21:12 - 21:18

points in four service games Nadal only

21:15 - 21:21

two points in three service

21:18 - 21:22

games are they both going to be able to

21:21 - 21:25

maintain that as we move towards the

21:22 - 21:27

business end of this first

21:25 - 21:30

set statue of Fred Perry out there

21:27 - 21:33

always a good place to get the shot a

21:30 - 21:37

winner of so many major championships 10

21:33 - 21:39

Majors eight grand slams two pro slams

21:37 - 21:41

and a brilliant table tennis player as

21:39 - 21:42

well this is all part of the new

21:41 - 21:45

development now this camera whizzes

21:42 - 21:47

along at about 30 mil an hour and it's

21:45 - 21:51

on a great big zip W and it gives us new

21:47 - 21:54

shots at this wonderful Center

21:51 - 21:55

Court the development around this club

21:54 - 21:59

goes on and

21:55 - 22:01

on that's the members balcon there that

21:59 - 22:03

you can see and one or two people from

22:01 - 22:06

the raw box will pop out there take a

22:03 - 22:08

break go back in these courts on the

22:06 - 22:10

front they used to be so the focus of

22:08 - 22:12

the Championships but now it's just

22:10 - 22:14

developing into a much bigger space like

22:12 - 22:17

over the road for instance Church Road

22:14 - 22:19

into wimon Park Golf Club it's be the

22:17 - 22:21

next major phase of the development so

22:19 - 22:24

good luck with all that

22:21 - 22:25

Tim indoor courts between now and then

22:24 - 22:26

across on Somerset Road they're going to

22:25 - 22:28


22:26 - 22:31

demolished fairly soon after this

22:28 - 22:33

championships probably a 18 month to

22:31 - 22:36

2year project to knock those down build

22:33 - 22:39

six indoor six outdoor and a large

22:36 - 22:39

underground car

22:55 - 22:59

park they playing with new balls so

22:57 - 23:04

everything is a quicker

22:59 - 23:07

now feder had a shot after good

23:04 - 23:07

return didn't use

23:25 - 23:34

it there's a 25 second rule for the

23:30 - 23:34

server notal is always pushing the

23:50 - 23:55


23:52 - 23:56

15 something's about to happen I don't

23:55 - 23:59

quite know what it is in this match it's

23:56 - 24:02

all been it's been pretty cagy hasn't it

23:59 - 24:05

but uh you'd think if feder got a second

24:02 - 24:08

serve here at 15 all might like to try

24:05 - 24:08

and take a chance

24:29 - 24:44


24:42 - 24:49

15 a little bit up fortunate with the

24:44 - 24:49

net court but F has taken full advantage

25:28 - 25:31

oh didn't really do enough with the

25:29 - 25:34


25:31 - 25:36

fedra was it the serve yeah I think you

25:34 - 25:39

got to give credit to Nadal there decent

25:36 - 25:41

second serve really dictated with his

25:39 - 25:44

first forand to get the Federer on the

25:41 - 25:44


26:27 - 26:30


26:30 - 26:39

first great point of this

26:34 - 26:39

semifinal of the

26:40 - 26:44

eror looking to be very aggressive in

26:43 - 26:48

the rally there

26:44 - 26:52

and over hitting the back

26:48 - 26:52

and needs to find the first

26:57 - 27:01

serve e

27:32 - 27:38


27:33 - 27:41

go this is a Lev up isn't it the

27:38 - 27:45

footwork from r onad d the slicers from

27:41 - 27:47

fed this is the dance between these

27:45 - 27:50

two beautiful to

27:47 - 27:50


27:52 - 27:57

watch very keen to hit fore hands

27:58 - 28:02

that hasn't changed in 11

28:15 - 28:19

years Advantage

28:20 - 28:27

NAD reading the serve again well

28:23 - 28:31

returning well not taking advantage now

28:27 - 28:35

here we see Tony Dal flew in last

28:31 - 28:35

night supporting his famous

28:46 - 28:51

nephew that thing was

28:49 - 28:54

whipped three very strong points from

28:51 - 28:57

the DAR from break point G

28:54 - 29:00

for finding the targets with the first

28:57 - 29:00

serve and then really ating with the

29:01 - 29:07

forehand now he would like to try and

29:04 - 29:07

get stuck into a federal service game at

29:12 - 29:19

4all keeping fedra

29:15 - 29:22

waiting he got full compliment of ticks

29:19 - 29:22

and Twitches at this

29:23 - 29:29

point bristling for the action here

29:37 - 29:42

didn't find his timing on the returns

29:39 - 29:42


29:57 - 30:05


30:13 - 30:18

good LEDs for service

30:32 - 30:37

1 fedra really mentioned his serve

30:35 - 30:39

picking up in the nishik Cory match

30:37 - 30:45

which was the quarterfinal and he really

30:39 - 30:45

start away left off on Wednesday evening

31:14 - 31:20

there look from Roger the Umpire

31:17 - 31:20

questioning the

31:20 - 31:26

call but no

31:23 - 31:29

challenge does have an awful record in

31:26 - 31:29

challenges throughout the champ

31:31 - 31:42


31:32 - 31:42


31:50 - 31:53


31:54 - 31:59

game it's a challenge but both men are

31:58 - 32:03

in the

31:59 - 32:03

sunshine to the change

32:03 - 32:08


32:05 - 32:11

good still no breaks just the one break

32:08 - 32:12

point well saved by Rafa in his previous

32:11 - 32:16

service game he will serve to stay in

32:12 - 32:16

this first

32:19 - 32:24

set Roger fedra was talking before this

32:22 - 32:27

match Boris about just remembering to

32:24 - 32:29

stay calm and how it's okay just to get

32:27 - 32:32

the ball back back and to neutralize

32:29 - 32:35

opponents he does that takes the pace

32:32 - 32:37

off as well as puts it on as well as

32:35 - 32:39

anybody the trouble is if you just knock

32:37 - 32:41

it back to Nadal he can take control of

32:39 - 32:43

the rally so there's the the line that

32:41 - 32:46

he has to walk isn't it no very much so

32:43 - 32:48

I was really intrigued how calm he

32:46 - 32:49

stayed when he walked on the quar very

32:48 - 32:51

much in his son really didn't

32:49 - 32:54

acknowledge the crowd too much didn't

32:51 - 32:56

acknowledge his opponent either just

32:54 - 32:57

that didn't add a bit of a handshake and

32:56 - 32:59

he's all together has a very calm

32:57 - 33:01

demeanor because he knows actually the

32:59 - 33:03

things are heating up but he's here is

33:01 - 33:06

best when he lets his tennis do the

33:03 - 33:08

talking and when he doesn't get too

33:06 - 33:11

emotional you coached against him with

33:08 - 33:13

Novak jovic I believe you won six grand

33:11 - 33:16

slams with Novak when you were coaching

33:13 - 33:18

against Roger fedra it's quite a

33:16 - 33:20

challenge isn't it no that's right we we

33:18 - 33:22

had him in two womon finals and and the

33:20 - 33:24

key was always you know to get him on

33:22 - 33:26

the Run cuz when he's running he loses a

33:24 - 33:29

bit of his balance but that's easier set

33:26 - 33:32

than done and I was find a way to return

33:29 - 33:32

to rers Fed Ser as well

33:34 - 33:40

so thank you ladies and

33:38 - 33:43

gentlemen I think the same goes for

33:40 - 33:43

Rafael Nadar

33:58 - 34:01

15 love

34:37 - 34:42

Mr Nadal is challenging the call on the

34:39 - 34:47

left Far Side line the balls SC

34:42 - 34:47


34:48 - 34:53

out first double of the

34:51 - 34:57


34:53 - 35:00

only for the tournament this the sixth

34:57 - 35:00

match for both players of

35:13 - 35:16


35:19 - 35:24


35:21 - 35:29

no it's not the time to be reading put

35:24 - 35:29

it down got you this ticket

35:39 - 35:42

14 15

35:56 - 36:00


35:57 - 36:00


36:04 - 36:08

umpire said it was very

36:06 - 36:12

close must have been

36:08 - 36:14

long half believes him Nadal should have

36:12 - 36:14

checked that it was

36:16 - 36:22


36:19 - 36:24

in is challenge to the four and the left

36:22 - 36:27

cice line safe to say they're both

36:24 - 36:29

hitting it close to the lines I think

36:27 - 36:30

this one just caught the line from the

36:29 - 36:33


36:30 - 36:36

d game

36:33 - 36:39

the there's a statistic about challenges

36:36 - 36:44

by rer fed at Wimbleton he's now

36:39 - 36:47

including this 3 to 16 is that right

36:44 - 36:50

yeah you have been burying your head in

36:47 - 36:53

books and readouts and research I'm

36:50 - 36:53


36:56 - 37:02


37:00 - 37:02


37:26 - 37:31

love you get this this far out of CT on

37:29 - 37:33

the forehand you got to make sure you do

37:31 - 37:35

some damage feder a little bit lucky

37:33 - 37:38

with the drrive volley Nadal not able to

37:35 - 37:38

do more with the

37:47 - 37:53


37:48 - 37:55

4 and another 40 laugh easy hold by the

37:53 - 37:55


37:56 - 38:00

Swiss and that's his

38:11 - 38:19


38:17 - 38:22


38:19 - 38:24

wife leads by six games to

38:22 - 38:28

five still no breaks in the sunshine

38:24 - 38:30

here on Cent cord at 65 to Roger f this

38:28 - 38:34

hugely anticipated

38:30 - 38:37

match now Roger fedra was talking about

38:34 - 38:40

neutralizing opponents and you often do

38:37 - 38:43

that with a slice or or a chip but the

38:40 - 38:45

actal statistics on on fedra here the

38:43 - 38:47

return spins that he's playing with

38:45 - 38:49

today previous rounds of course

38:47 - 38:51

different opponents different setup RAF

38:49 - 38:54

is not down the other end but in the

38:51 - 38:56

previous rounds top spinning at 59%

38:54 - 39:00

today he's trying to come over the

38:56 - 39:01

return the slice today 1 and 10 or or

39:00 - 39:03

just above 1 and 10 he's trying to come

39:01 - 39:06

over the ball and it's not working

39:03 - 39:07

particularly at the moment not not

39:06 - 39:09

working particularly well but I don't

39:07 - 39:11

think he's really had that many

39:09 - 39:14

opportunities obviously when you're

39:11 - 39:17

playing the slice it gives Nadal more

39:14 - 39:19

time to get round and hit his forehand

39:17 - 39:21

and really be aggressive so is he trying

39:19 - 39:23

to avoid the raer forehand by hitting

39:21 - 39:24

the return well because he'll hit it

39:23 - 39:27

harder with the Top Spin he can get it

39:24 - 39:29

through the court get to potentially

39:27 - 39:31

Nadal's backhand more

39:29 - 39:34

easily I think the way this set's

39:31 - 39:37

unfolding it would be fitting if it did

39:34 - 39:39

go to the tie

39:37 - 39:41

break well hitting over also means he's

39:39 - 39:43

more aggressive the mindset is I have to

39:41 - 39:47

hit over the ball and put some pressure

39:43 - 39:47

on your p

40:02 - 40:04


40:23 - 40:28

love that's love

40:48 - 40:51

40 love

41:28 - 41:31


42:13 - 42:19

403 if they are going to go to a breaker

42:16 - 42:22

feder would have rather made Nadal work

42:19 - 42:25

a little bit which is what he's doing

42:22 - 42:29

here even if the tiebreaks only

42:25 - 42:29

postponed for a point

42:31 - 42:35

another luped forehand and we could be

42:33 - 42:35

back at

42:41 - 42:46

juice and that's what it

42:44 - 42:47

is oh this has come out of nowhere this

42:46 - 42:50


42:47 - 42:54

now a battle

42:50 - 42:56

for and thought he love juice but the

42:54 - 42:59

fedra was able to hit over the return

42:56 - 43:04

three times good pressure on him right

42:59 - 43:04

away took advantage of the short ball

43:27 - 43:33

oh got the shot that he

43:30 - 43:35

wanted C the shot that he wanted butage

43:33 - 43:36

Nal when he was trying to hit that

43:35 - 43:40

forehand down the line to Nadal's

43:36 - 43:40

backand his body weight was just falling

43:47 - 43:52

away just keeps it calm cool

44:16 - 44:23

it's away and after 34s of an hour at

44:21 - 44:25

this semi-final it is a tie break we

44:23 - 44:27


44:25 - 44:30

set six games over

44:27 - 44:31

first set TI now the last time they

44:30 - 44:34

played on this court they've played two

44:31 - 44:38

of the finest tie breaks of all time fed

44:34 - 44:40

won them both 75 and 108 Tim Henman has

44:38 - 44:44

done some extensive research oh 39

44:40 - 44:46

matches they played 21 tie breaks Nadal

44:44 - 44:46


44:56 - 45:00

1110 let's second

45:17 - 45:22

service he has not made that

45:27 - 45:33

that is some amazing cord

45:30 - 45:40

speed fedra followed this in the drop

45:33 - 45:40

volley beautiful zero Nadal oh dear

45:44 - 45:47

dear unbelievable control at the end of

45:46 - 45:50

the run there

45:47 - 45:52

and he sometimes sense that federa

45:50 - 45:56

thinks God does Nadal only make that

45:52 - 45:56

shot against me

46:13 - 46:17

I can see the shackles from both players

46:15 - 46:21

are slowly coming off they're freeing

46:17 - 46:24

themselves from all the tension all the

46:21 - 46:27

buildup letting loose

46:24 - 46:27


46:48 - 46:53

the importance of this first set even in

46:51 - 46:55

a five Setter where there is more times

46:53 - 46:58

more time to recover illustrated by the

46:55 - 47:00

fact that the winner of the first set of

46:58 - 47:04

their matches has won

47:00 - 47:04

31 out of the 39

47:05 - 47:09

contests decent Front

47:15 - 47:21

Runners statistics don't lie two

47:22 - 47:28

all but this topic is very much nose to

47:25 - 47:28


47:42 - 47:53


47:49 - 47:55

32 Nadal the defensive skills of Nadal

47:53 - 47:58

not only on the return of serve just to

47:55 - 48:00

float that one beat deep

47:58 - 48:03

and big forehand from feder and he's

48:00 - 48:05

able to use his left-handed forehand and

48:03 - 48:09

loop it

48:05 - 48:09

back asking federa to hit one more

48:20 - 48:25

shot let's for service

48:48 - 48:51


48:59 - 49:03

that's out on the Baseline looking for

49:01 - 49:07

the hand

49:03 - 49:09

from Baseline judge without it came and

49:07 - 49:13

this was a controlled volley from

49:09 - 49:15

fedra keeping it to what is still the

49:13 - 49:17

weaker side it was a good return again

49:15 - 49:19

from feder it was a decent serve from

49:17 - 49:20

the dial feder is able to come over the

49:19 - 49:24

top of the back

49:20 - 49:28

hand turn defense into attack and get up

49:24 - 49:28

forward to the net

49:32 - 49:36

for a second time federa is equalizing a

49:35 - 49:40


49:36 - 49:40

break SP yet

49:41 - 49:45


49:52 - 49:55


50:17 - 50:21

and he comes over that back hand

50:21 - 50:27

return gets to the r of P

50:25 - 50:30

hand and then this

50:27 - 50:31

forehand 43 first time he's been ahead

50:30 - 50:34

in the

50:31 - 50:37

breaker theal likes very much the first

50:34 - 50:39

ser and then the forehand right away

50:37 - 50:44

feder is able to hit with his returns

50:39 - 50:44

onto the Nadal backand and sets him up

50:52 - 50:58

nicely that's a big point that forehand

50:55 - 51:01

had to be played

50:58 - 51:04

just low enough to make it difficult and

51:01 - 51:07

choosing to go to the spaniard's

51:04 - 51:07


51:20 - 51:25

forehand couple of time the first Serv

51:22 - 51:25

there from feder

51:27 - 51:30


51:30 - 51:39


51:36 - 51:42

fed arer still very

51:39 - 51:47

calm and exterior at

51:42 - 51:47

least very focused

52:04 - 52:12

51 minutes of fascinating tennis it's

52:08 - 52:17

one set to the older man on the tie

52:12 - 52:17

break from behind to Wi it's 73

52:20 - 52:24


52:31 - 52:35

and this is how he

52:32 - 52:39

concluded the first

52:35 - 52:42

set and that c on the return

52:39 - 52:45

Boris the feat so urgent he's four weeks

52:42 - 52:49

away from his 38th birthday he could be

52:45 - 52:49

playing in the uh the age group events

52:49 - 52:55

here look what it means perhaps even

52:53 - 52:58

more important for him to win the first

52:55 - 53:00

set than than RAF NAD bis I'd say so I

52:58 - 53:02

think if fed standing a chance he has to

53:00 - 53:04

win the first set the longer the match

53:02 - 53:08

tracks on the more he gets into a battle

53:04 - 53:10

I think the younger player

53:08 - 53:12

benefits and even winning the first set

53:10 - 53:15

I thought he kept his emotions in Jack

53:12 - 53:17

he wasn't over joyful he wasn't

53:15 - 53:20

celebrating too much from

53:17 - 53:21

far he knows he needs every ounce of

53:20 - 53:24

energy and

53:21 - 53:27

concentration we were to win the

53:24 - 53:29

semi-final your impression of the first

53:27 - 53:33


53:29 - 53:36

Tim very very tight only one break

53:33 - 53:38

point in the tie break it was Nadal who

53:36 - 53:40

had those mini break opportunities but

53:38 - 53:43

federa really upped his

53:40 - 53:44

game great accurate serving dominating

53:43 - 53:48

with the forehand when he got the

53:44 - 53:50

opportunity and he'll be delighted to

53:48 - 53:52

got that first set under his belt and I

53:50 - 53:53

think the early stages of this second

53:52 - 53:56

set are going to be absolutely vital for

53:53 - 53:57

both players it's Nadal that's going to

53:56 - 53:59


53:57 - 54:01

to regain the momentum stamp his

53:59 - 54:03


54:01 - 54:08

early Federal will sense his

54:03 - 54:08

opportunity to take a commanding

54:09 - 54:15

lead feder playing a

54:12 - 54:16

21st Wimbledon Championship we didn't

54:15 - 54:18

ever imagine that it would last this

54:16 - 54:20

long when he hit that forehand winner

54:18 - 54:23

against Pete sess you might remember in

54:20 - 54:25

the last 16 in 2001 that had been the

54:23 - 54:29

culmination of a buildup everybody in

54:25 - 54:31

the sport had known about this fantastic

54:29 - 54:34

Talent up until that point but on a

54:31 - 54:37

wider and on a global scale this has

54:34 - 54:38

been feder's stage he has won this

54:37 - 54:41

Championship eight

54:38 - 54:43

times only Martina andova has won the

54:41 - 54:47

singles Championship more the man in the

54:43 - 54:49

dark glasses is Tony godik with the blue

54:47 - 54:52

hat there that's his dad

54:49 - 54:53

Robbie wife you think A lot's happened

54:52 - 54:55

since these two played on Center Court A

54:53 - 54:57

lot's happened for Mera she's become the

54:55 - 54:58

mother to four children who are not here

54:57 - 55:02

today they might be in the background

54:58 - 55:05

somewhere but two twin girls and two

55:02 - 55:07

twin boys and your great rivalry oh

55:05 - 55:10

great rival Stephan

55:07 - 55:11

edur up there you played one or two

55:10 - 55:14

matches against him here have you caught

55:11 - 55:18

up with him yeah we have yes I saw him a

55:14 - 55:20

couple days ago supporting Roger on his

55:18 - 55:24

fourth round match and uh his luck his

55:20 - 55:27

charm he stayed the weak S one of the

55:24 - 55:29

alltime grades where's Rafa oh there's s

55:27 - 55:33

David aten

55:29 - 55:36

BR he been been speaking a lot lately on

55:33 - 55:39

on climate change in the most

55:36 - 55:42

authoritative voice

55:39 - 55:45

and Sympathy for the environment and and

55:42 - 55:47

I think he'll probably approve of the

55:45 - 55:49

sustainability program that the all

55:47 - 55:51

England Club will put in this

55:49 - 55:53

year when rackets are delivered back to

55:51 - 55:54

the court you won't see them delivered

55:53 - 56:00

in plastic bags anymore and that's just

55:54 - 56:00

one of many many changes which have been

56:01 - 56:09

implemented now Roa is ready to return

56:06 - 56:12

Huffer took little break here we see

56:09 - 56:14

David Beckham big fan of tennis on the

56:12 - 56:18

Championships is his uh his children

56:14 - 56:22

play don't they his son Romeo is an arit

56:18 - 56:23

tennis player big Nal fan I wonder if he

56:22 - 56:25

spoke he must have spoken to Sir Alex

56:23 - 56:26

Ferguson as former manager me I hope

56:25 - 56:29


56:26 - 56:31

you'll remember the boot kicking

56:29 - 56:34


56:31 - 56:36

incident there he is good to see him

56:34 - 56:39

back hey with heal last

56:36 - 56:39


56:40 - 56:45

year Nadal gets the opportunity of

56:42 - 56:48

serving first in the second set

56:45 - 56:49

importantly he keeps his nose in front

56:48 - 56:52

Federal will be looking for an early

56:49 - 56:52


57:19 - 57:23

15 low it's quite a long break between

57:21 - 57:24

the end of the first set and the very

57:23 - 57:27


57:24 - 57:30

point I'm not a massive fan of you Boris

57:27 - 57:32

this too long it just interrupts the

57:30 - 57:36

Rhythm the flow of things I mean it's

57:32 - 57:36

all within the the rules

57:39 - 57:44

but but Nadal has done it every single

57:41 - 57:48

time I saw him here regardless whether

57:44 - 57:48

he wins it off loses it

58:00 - 58:03

we've talked about Nadal's improved back

58:02 - 58:06


58:03 - 58:08

fedra one of the reasons why he it's

58:06 - 58:10

when he can plant that right foot when

58:08 - 58:12

he can step into the court and drive the

58:10 - 58:16


58:12 - 58:16

end good signs for the federa

58:19 - 58:24

camp let's for service

58:42 - 58:46

30 C

59:04 - 59:08

that's for service

59:36 - 59:40

a 14

59:41 - 59:46

15 it's a much better Rhythm on the

59:43 - 59:49

return now he really gets to serve back

59:46 - 59:49


60:01 - 60:06


60:03 - 60:08

403 Nadal going into the feder forehand

60:06 - 60:10

on that serve in the juice box and

60:08 - 60:14

feder's keeping a very short swing and

60:10 - 60:14

it's coming back with interest

60:33 - 60:38


60:36 - 60:40

seemed like both players were surprised

60:38 - 60:44

that serve wasn't called

60:40 - 60:45

out first game second set it's

60:44 - 60:48

interesting you mentioned that about

60:45 - 60:50

Roger feder's return and the difficulty

60:48 - 60:52

the difficulty that Rafa has on being

60:50 - 60:55

effective on his own serve at the moment

60:52 - 60:57

against SAA he lost just 10 points on

60:55 - 61:02


60:57 - 61:02

query he reserved superbly

61:05 - 61:11

there Nadal struggling on the second

61:08 - 61:14

shot in this match like he hasn't in the

61:11 - 61:18

others so just small patterns developing

61:14 - 61:22

here just one semifinal

61:18 - 61:24

loss at the Championships that in 2016

61:22 - 61:25

to round it she went ahead and did the

61:24 - 61:27

right thing and lost to Murray in the

61:25 - 61:27


61:46 - 61:55


61:53 - 61:58

the right play by feder he thought he

61:55 - 62:00

had not wrong footed H this Ben here

61:58 - 62:01

with the corner of his ey saw that feder

62:00 - 62:05


62:01 - 62:05

approaching and whipped it past

62:24 - 62:27

him it's

62:47 - 62:51

nor what a sh what was

62:49 - 62:54

that that's what we want from the

62:51 - 62:57

England team against New Zealand driving

62:54 - 62:59

through that back and half

62:57 - 63:02

volley quite sure what this one was it

62:59 - 63:07

was amazing look at the adjustment that

63:02 - 63:07

takes well skill yeah he's just

63:07 - 63:11

skillful don't try this at

63:24 - 63:31

home that a man with

63:27 - 63:35

a white hat and I think the lady with a

63:31 - 63:37

straw hat they almost lost the

63:35 - 63:43

Bonet as this ball whipped into the

63:37 - 63:43

crowd pressure for fedra 30

63:49 - 63:52


64:05 - 64:10

incredible athleticism from both players

64:08 - 64:12

Nadal does well to get that crosscourt

64:10 - 64:13

federa covering a

64:12 - 64:16


64:13 - 64:19

net couldn't resist the second passing

64:16 - 64:19


64:27 - 64:31

doesn't miss those break points

64:33 - 64:40

saved juice but all together play

64:36 - 64:40

reaches the more Heights the quality

64:48 - 64:52

increases B

65:17 - 65:20


65:21 - 65:27

standing get

65:23 - 65:30

there second break point and you may not

65:27 - 65:32

be able to hear fed's effort on each

65:30 - 65:35

ball as he tries to resist these

65:32 - 65:40

whipping Nadal for hands but it's there

65:35 - 65:40

feder is grunting on each of these fools

66:06 - 66:09


66:34 - 66:38


66:36 - 66:41

feder feder eager to get on the front

66:38 - 66:46

foot at every opportunity but not easy

66:41 - 66:46

to hit winners from behind the

66:53 - 66:57

Baseline out

67:12 - 67:17

he's being stretched to the Limit now

67:14 - 67:19

fed and even if Nadal doesn't get the

67:17 - 67:22

break in this game

67:19 - 67:25

these these rallies these exchanges

67:22 - 67:27

these extended Duce ad contests which

67:25 - 67:31

are so compelling to watch

67:27 - 67:31

they they wear you

67:39 - 67:44

down that's the real

67:41 - 67:48


67:44 - 67:50

SS yeah Nadal shows signs of frustration

67:48 - 67:53

he always turns around and the

67:50 - 67:53

conversation with his

67:53 - 67:57

corner on the F of the

68:09 - 68:11

for that is a big

68:11 - 68:15


68:11 - 68:15


68:16 - 68:25

hold one game more second

68:20 - 68:27

ass just a change of Racket Roger fedra

68:25 - 68:29


68:27 - 68:31

you can hardly walk

68:29 - 68:33

slower without actually standing still

68:31 - 68:36

he's taking a breather here feder as

68:33 - 68:39

there for nedb

68:36 - 68:41

up huge game early in the second set

68:39 - 68:43

there for federa to hold and he'll

68:41 - 68:47

immediately want to try and put some

68:43 - 68:47

pressure back on the D serve

68:57 - 69:03

F lots of success with this aggressive

69:01 - 69:05

returns you had statistic in the first

69:03 - 69:06

said that's what he didn't do in the

69:05 - 69:09

previous matches but obviously he's done

69:06 - 69:12

this homework playing each other so many

69:09 - 69:12

times you always find a new

69:19 - 69:25

way let's for service

69:43 - 69:46

15 off

70:13 - 70:19

well that's very fine it's elegant it's

70:16 - 70:21

delicate it's thoughtful and it's set up

70:19 - 70:23

by the returner serve a big first serve

70:21 - 70:26

from theal 122

70:23 - 70:28

mph straight back at his his feet and

70:26 - 70:33

with Nadal

70:28 - 70:33

retreating feder plays the drop shot

71:13 - 71:16

oh he's put it

71:18 - 71:21

right St to have a

71:23 - 71:30

match did he have you fool him

71:26 - 71:34

ra very last moment he changed Direction

71:30 - 71:36

too much on the wrist

71:34 - 71:39


71:36 - 71:40

though further again with a couple of

71:39 - 71:44


71:40 - 71:48

points I think saved to against his own

71:44 - 71:48

serve that's Tim was saying

72:02 - 72:07


72:04 - 72:09

14 Nadal keeps going to that federa

72:07 - 72:12

forend in the juice box

72:09 - 72:14

and feder still returned that with

72:12 - 72:17

interest but Nadal did well to direct

72:14 - 72:22

the forehand back

72:17 - 72:22

behind still facing another break point

72:51 - 72:58


72:53 - 72:59

juice T more must hurt second of return

72:58 - 73:02

or break point you don't get that many

72:59 - 73:07

chances like

73:02 - 73:07

that make the ball

73:34 - 73:39


73:36 - 73:43

NAD and it's great hitting from both

73:39 - 73:44

players amazing how aggressive federa

73:43 - 73:48

has been with the backhand going into

73:44 - 73:48

Nadal's forehand

74:03 - 74:08

game that was the last game of the old

74:05 - 74:09

bus and what a hold from break points

74:08 - 74:12

down both

74:09 - 74:14

players have saved break points in the

74:12 - 74:16

last two games brilliant hour in a

74:14 - 74:19

quarter here second semi-final here at

74:16 - 74:22

wimon 21 theal

74:19 - 74:25

second now one of the things that fedra

74:22 - 74:29

has taken out on court as a tactic and

74:25 - 74:32

Nadal has to figure out here Tim is how

74:29 - 74:36

do you stop fedra getting his forehand

74:32 - 74:38

into play after his first serve I mean I

74:36 - 74:40

don't know where the the D maybe should

74:38 - 74:42

stand somewhere different but look here

74:40 - 74:45

backand he's only hit one backand after

74:42 - 74:47

his first serve so fedra dominating and

74:45 - 74:49

getting his forehand into players there

74:47 - 74:50

I mean we've been looking at nal's

74:49 - 74:52

forehand but how are you going to stop

74:50 - 74:54

Roger hitting the shot he wants to hit

74:52 - 74:56

well it's very difficult because first

74:54 - 74:58

and foremost with with a serve like

74:56 - 74:59

fedas that is so accurate has great

74:58 - 75:01

disguise you're just trying to get the

74:59 - 75:05

ball back into

75:01 - 75:07

play having said that you can't just aim

75:05 - 75:09

down the middle of the court and hope

75:07 - 75:12

feder is going to miss the next one

75:09 - 75:13

because his forehand is such a dominant

75:12 - 75:15

shot so I think Nadal is going to have

75:13 - 75:18

to look at his court position how

75:15 - 75:20

aggressive he can be on the return of

75:18 - 75:22

serve when he gets that chance would

75:20 - 75:25

love to be fly on the wall when liy and

75:22 - 75:28

luic spoken to Roger about the match

75:25 - 75:31

strategy with cud law about what he

75:28 - 75:33

wants to do differently from previous

75:31 - 75:35

matches and very much is the return of

75:33 - 75:38

serve and the fact that he should

75:35 - 75:40

dictate play with his forehand and

75:38 - 75:42

that's exactly what he does I think

75:40 - 75:44

that's the reason Nadal is in trouble

75:42 - 75:46

here having said that he kept on holding

75:44 - 75:49

serves now even though he was done break

75:46 - 75:51

points important part of the match

75:49 - 75:55

especially for Roger thank you ladies

75:51 - 75:55

and gentlemen

75:57 - 76:00

ready for

76:15 - 76:20

play Mr Fedora is challenging the call

76:18 - 76:23

on the left Far Side line the balls got

76:20 - 76:23


76:28 - 76:32

team fed has two challenges

76:44 - 76:52

remaining let second

76:48 - 76:55

service second service Nadal a good 20

76:52 - 76:57

ft behind the Baseline

76:55 - 76:57

for a second

77:15 - 77:21

Serve contact point was 3 m behind the

77:18 - 77:23

Baseline for Nadal who continues

77:21 - 77:25

particularly on this juice side to give

77:23 - 77:27

away the wh serve Tim hen has been

77:25 - 77:27

talking about

77:33 - 77:39

that points in

77:36 - 77:41

two two forand unforced errors from

77:39 - 77:42

feder strong point in the middle from

77:41 - 77:47


77:42 - 77:47

D suddenly three break points in a

77:52 - 77:56

row let's for service

78:15 - 78:19

let's second service

78:41 - 78:45

and it's a breaker serve in this

78:46 - 78:52

match first break set decided on a tie

78:50 - 78:55

break and it's gone to Rafa

78:52 - 78:56

Nadal I've seen that a couple times in

78:55 - 78:59

the tournament

78:56 - 79:01

federa just really played a sloppy game

78:59 - 79:03

and the game went very very quickly is

79:01 - 79:05

some of that due to the fact that he had

79:03 - 79:07

to work so hard to win his previous

79:05 - 79:10

service games getting tired don't think

79:07 - 79:13

he's getting tired but uh just

79:10 - 79:13

momentarily lost

79:22 - 79:27


79:23 - 79:29

15 he must look back and and regretting

79:27 - 79:31

not taking advantage of the break point

79:29 - 79:36

he's had on the Nal Ser early in that

79:31 - 79:36

said nice to play catchup

79:58 - 80:05


80:01 - 80:08

hey suddenly you know we've gone from a

80:05 - 80:12

very tight scenario early on in the

80:08 - 80:16

second set Nadal wins 10 points in a

80:12 - 80:16

row now 3-1 30

80:22 - 80:27

love 13 team

81:00 - 81:03

taking his time like

81:14 - 81:18

always 14

81:44 - 81:48

it's become quite one-sided this second

81:50 - 81:57

set theal holds and he is strongly in

81:53 - 82:01

command in all way here 4-1 and 21

81:57 - 82:04

played now this is an era defining

82:01 - 82:06

rivalry this Nadal fedra of course jovic

82:04 - 82:08

and fedra jovic and Nadal both have

82:06 - 82:11

actually played more Grand Slams more

82:08 - 82:13

actual matches but this was the Rivalry

82:11 - 82:15

that came first and just thinking back

82:13 - 82:17

to some of the great sporting rivalries

82:15 - 82:20

this has to be up there with any of them

82:17 - 82:21

or any Ridder Cup match for me the 1977

82:20 - 82:25

duel in the

82:21 - 82:27

sun Tom Watson at turnbury Jack Nicholas

82:25 - 82:29

the Lakers and Celtics in the NBA I

82:27 - 82:31

don't know whether you follow that Boris

82:29 - 82:33

I'm sure you sure you do some of the

82:31 - 82:35

great boxers over time Watson Ben and

82:33 - 82:38

Eubanks here

82:35 - 82:41

Haggler Hearns Leonard

82:38 - 82:43

Jan Mack Andro Bor wasn't bad Mao

82:41 - 82:44

anybody I'd like to put him in the ring

82:43 - 82:46

with sugar alen to be quite honest with

82:44 - 82:49

you but what what about your sporting

82:46 - 82:50

rivalries I mean I think you mentioned

82:49 - 82:52

some very good ones you could go down

82:50 - 82:55

the football route of you know man

82:52 - 82:56

United Liverpool man united Man City

82:55 - 82:59

but for me what's very special about

82:56 - 83:01

tennis is that it is one against one and

82:59 - 83:04

and you mentioned some boxing rivalries

83:01 - 83:06

but how often do they actually box when

83:04 - 83:10

you look at Novak and Rafa they played

83:06 - 83:14

54 times Novak and federa 47 this is

83:10 - 83:16

feder Nadal number 40 it's it's

83:14 - 83:20

absolutely amazing their longevity their

83:16 - 83:23

consistency so Palmer Nicholas player

83:20 - 83:27

that was a great rivalry in golf but uh

83:23 - 83:27

these are special times in our

83:27 - 83:31

sport Boris I want yours in a

83:50 - 83:55


83:52 - 83:56

15 fer does doesn't want to waste too

83:55 - 84:00

much energy here one of the great

83:56 - 84:04

golfers of all time nine

84:00 - 84:04

majes career Grand Slam car

84:05 - 84:10

player that keeps on holding fast

84:15 - 84:19

now first time is Ser Vol up to the

84:18 - 84:23

second serve I thought he would do that

84:19 - 84:25

a lot more actually coming into the

84:23 - 84:27

match even though he lost a point I

84:25 - 84:30

think it is a good tactic Boris we we

84:27 - 84:31

see where Nadal is returning from feder

84:30 - 84:34

has plenty of time to get into good

84:31 - 84:34

position at the

84:43 - 84:47

net 1

84:59 - 85:01

let for

85:17 - 85:24

service that's your federal taking risks

85:21 - 85:28

on the backand he must

85:24 - 85:28

can't get involved into too many long

85:51 - 85:59

rallies feder's level just

85:55 - 86:01

really dropped off in the last 10

85:59 - 86:05

minutes now a break point for Nadal to

86:01 - 86:05

get the second break of

86:14 - 86:20

serve after it looked like a very

86:16 - 86:20

contested early second

86:20 - 86:26

set came an easy one for Rafael Nadal

86:23 - 86:31

now up with a double breaking 51 trying

86:26 - 86:31

to level that match set a piece

86:47 - 86:53


87:23 - 87:30

that was a stabber attack translated

87:27 - 87:33

sudden attack by Roger and that a couple

87:30 - 87:33

years ago got a lot of

87:38 - 87:41

criticism why

87:49 - 87:55


87:51 - 87:57

not there's more just a little element

87:55 - 88:01

of save your energy for the battles

87:57 - 88:01

ahead about the last couple of

88:23 - 88:28

points game second set and that's the

88:26 - 88:29

end of the second set one set all in

88:28 - 88:33

this second semifinal in the

88:29 - 88:36

Championships we could have I hope we do

88:33 - 88:36

have a long way to

88:44 - 88:50

go Junior match is taking place in the

88:48 - 88:53

second week of the championships as the

88:50 - 88:54

crowds dwindle over 40,000 people here

88:53 - 88:57

each day the first week somewhere around

88:54 - 89:00

there record crowds and the development

88:57 - 89:03

of the ground an absolute Delight to see

89:00 - 89:05

so many more facilities for

89:03 - 89:09

everybody a quick look at the second set

89:05 - 89:14

here first serves in at 65%

89:09 - 89:17

for Rafa Nadal down a little bit for

89:14 - 89:19

federa and Nadal's surf becoming

89:17 - 89:22


89:19 - 89:24

effective at 10 but really the battle

89:22 - 89:27

was one

89:24 - 89:27

be a third of the way through that

89:30 - 89:35

set in the men's doubles Kabal and

89:32 - 89:38

Farrah are through to play roer

89:35 - 89:40

vasala and Nicola mahu who has completed

89:38 - 89:43

a career grand

89:40 - 89:45

slam the French doubles players are so

89:43 - 89:48

interchangeable and their skills so

89:45 - 89:51

transferable Pierre ug playing with Andy

89:48 - 89:53

maray losing to metic and

89:51 - 89:55

skugor the men's double something to

89:53 - 89:58

look forward to as is the mixed as well

89:55 - 90:01

as we approach finals weekend Serena

89:58 - 90:04

Williams going for a record 24th Grand

90:01 - 90:04


90:08 - 90:14

title Sera Williams versus Simona halip

90:11 - 90:17

at 1 p.m. UK

90:14 - 90:20

time on Saturday 1: p.m. on Sunday for

90:17 - 90:24

the men's final Novak jovic versus the

90:20 - 90:24

winner of this match

90:41 - 90:44


90:50 - 90:53


90:54 - 91:00

Rafael Nadal bidding to reach his 27th

90:57 - 91:04

Grand Slam final he has won

91:00 - 91:08

18 after 26 finals he's been in Roger

91:04 - 91:10

fedra has won 20 so these two have won

91:08 - 91:13

more of the sports major championships

91:10 - 91:15

than any other two Wimbledon for him

91:13 - 91:20

ready and eight for the man serving at

91:15 - 91:20

one set all Roger fedra

91:39 - 91:44

F has to regroup to recapture the form

91:42 - 91:47

at the end of that first set and even

91:44 - 91:47

beginning of the second

91:49 - 91:56

set 30 love first couple of service

91:52 - 92:00

games key for him to regain that Rhythm

91:56 - 92:00

and establish himself in these

92:07 - 92:11

rallies 40 l

92:27 - 92:38


92:37 - 92:42

first game thir now obviously Roger

92:38 - 92:43

feder is just just held there but

92:42 - 92:45


92:43 - 92:47

changes from set one to set two

92:45 - 92:49

particularly on the return points very

92:47 - 92:51

interesting indeed Tim Boris have a look

92:49 - 92:52

at his average return hit points in set

92:51 - 92:54

one first serve a little bit further

92:52 - 92:55

back second serve further look what

92:54 - 92:58

happens not with the yellow line but

92:55 - 93:01

with the blue one in the second set we

92:58 - 93:04

noticed it in real life second set

93:01 - 93:07

second serve way back and he made every

93:04 - 93:09

single return that's a smart adjustment

93:07 - 93:12

it is a smart adjustment you see that

93:09 - 93:14

distance sort of 4 and A4 meters for the

93:12 - 93:17

second server return you wonder

93:14 - 93:19

therefore is Federer not been aware

93:17 - 93:20

enough to maybe serve and volley a

93:19 - 93:23

little bit behind the second serve

93:20 - 93:24

because he's so far back but again these

93:23 - 93:27


93:24 - 93:27

mintii of the

93:29 - 93:35

match and they vary you know this is a

93:31 - 93:35

long match lot of things are

93:38 - 93:43

changing players watch each other where

93:41 - 93:46

they stand what they do differently all

93:43 - 93:46


93:52 - 93:57

time and it's also so why we don't want

93:54 - 93:59

coaching or most people I think it's

93:57 - 94:01

fair to say do not want onc Court

93:59 - 94:03

coaching like on the women's tour I I

94:01 - 94:06

think you're out there alone noticing

94:03 - 94:08

these changes and adjusting yourself

94:06 - 94:08


94:10 - 94:15

help s

94:12 - 94:16

ly working with fedra for many years

94:15 - 94:20


94:16 - 94:20

friend 18

94:22 - 94:26

all one of the reasons the three top

94:24 - 94:28

three are so dominant is because of that

94:26 - 94:30

but one of the reason the others can't

94:28 - 94:32

catch up is because they don't have the

94:30 - 94:33

on court coaching so the argument is

94:32 - 94:36

made for

94:33 - 94:39

both I'm standing on the fence on that

94:36 - 94:39


94:44 - 94:47


94:57 - 95:01


94:59 - 95:03


95:01 - 95:05

luic working with Roger feder he's

95:03 - 95:09

beaten both of these

95:05 - 95:11

guys I bet you never beat

95:09 - 95:16

jovic that's

95:11 - 95:16

correct never lost to him though did you

95:20 - 95:26


95:26 - 95:32

th sticking to his routine by driving

95:29 - 95:32

through the

95:32 - 95:36

return the do seem to have

95:43 - 95:47

adjusted G

95:51 - 95:55

the one game on thir sets

96:08 - 96:13

Mary Joe Fernandez on the right hand

96:10 - 96:13

side married to Tony

96:14 - 96:21

godik the hend of

96:17 - 96:25

Roger 15 love even more so than in the

96:21 - 96:25

first set Rogers looking for quick

96:36 - 96:41

points should say Mary Joe Fernandez

96:39 - 96:45

former world class tennis player playing

96:41 - 96:45

in the seniors event here

96:52 - 96:56


96:53 - 96:57

almost picked off James K in the chair

96:56 - 97:00

now if the bar would have bounced back

96:57 - 97:02

into rogers's court the ball would have

97:00 - 97:04

counted well of the unass yeah it just

97:02 - 97:07

didn't if the ball gets out and goes

97:04 - 97:09

back it counts really in my book of

97:07 - 97:18

rules game

97:09 - 97:21


97:18 - 97:23

fed well we just have to investigate

97:21 - 97:25

that Boris this is the Boris Becker book

97:23 - 97:27

of 10 now i' I've seen a lot of books of

97:25 - 97:29

tennis and there's been some very good

97:27 - 97:32

ones including your own but you've got a

97:29 - 97:36

new rule book now if it hits the Net

97:32 - 97:39

post and goes in I knew that that

97:36 - 97:42

was valid shot but you say if it hits

97:39 - 97:45

the it's part of the court it's a it's

97:42 - 97:47

it's a fixture it's there all the time

97:45 - 97:49

so if you hit James choon and it goes

97:47 - 97:51

back into court does that count we can

97:49 - 97:54

try that we we have to check the rule

97:51 - 97:56

book how about that time I checked you

97:54 - 97:59

know my playing days it did

97:56 - 98:01

count with a lot of R changes I'm sure

97:59 - 98:02

you've had a good look around here Boris

98:01 - 98:04

the changes are fantastic Henman Hill

98:02 - 98:07

they've left the grass a little bit

98:04 - 98:09

longer on the down slopes which is very

98:07 - 98:11

smart less

98:09 - 98:15

slippery yeah it's been the most popular

98:11 - 98:17

spot if you don't have Center qut

98:15 - 98:20

ticket feel good atmosphere everybody's

98:17 - 98:23

join the sunshine and a p two there's a

98:20 - 98:25

couple of bars down there

98:23 - 98:27

and people are enjoying themselves at

98:25 - 98:29

the end of the week Friday evening this

98:27 - 98:31

is the right thing to be doing just down

98:29 - 98:33

to the left is where they put some of

98:31 - 98:37

the beautiful planting to store before

98:33 - 98:39

they plant and both sides of the screen

98:37 - 98:42

that number one quarter a living wall

98:39 - 98:42

and it's just

98:43 - 98:47

gorgeous and I can't remember any of the

98:46 - 98:50

names of the

98:47 - 98:50


98:52 - 98:55

pl right one

99:04 - 99:09

two 15 l

99:24 - 99:28

lets for service

99:55 - 100:01

15 off malal staying aggressive close to

99:59 - 100:01


100:03 - 100:10

Baseline he knows if he doesn't hit the

100:05 - 100:10

first shot fedra will

100:24 - 100:28

13 15

101:09 - 101:25


101:21 - 101:27

there turning to defense into attack

101:25 - 101:30

stepping into that backand and driving

101:27 - 101:30

it down the

101:30 - 101:35

line although Nadal wasn't at the net

101:33 - 101:38

federa treated that shot like a passing

101:35 - 101:38


102:01 - 102:06

the's forehand down the line would have

102:03 - 102:08

got the job done against most he might

102:06 - 102:11

have been expecting to see Roger fur up

102:08 - 102:14

at the net there fed had backed off and

102:11 - 102:15

now has a break point after that CR

102:14 - 102:18


102:15 - 102:23

foran and break points early in the

102:18 - 102:23

second set wasn't able to take them

102:38 - 102:42


102:45 - 102:53

oh that is rare for Nal to be out DED at

102:49 - 102:53

the m

103:07 - 103:11

it was actually Nadal that was Keen to

103:08 - 103:14

get to the net was not a good drop

103:11 - 103:16

volley neither a player able to get on

103:14 - 103:19

top until that final volley ladies and

103:16 - 103:22


103:19 - 103:22


103:47 - 103:51

love there was a lot of hype a lot of

103:49 - 103:55

comparisons with that match 11 years ago

103:51 - 103:59

I tell you what we're getting there that

103:55 - 104:02

was a 96 mile and a half for

103:59 - 104:02

hand the last

104:18 - 104:24

one love the team

104:22 - 104:28


104:24 - 104:30

what a a man of resilience raadal is the

104:28 - 104:32

disappointment losing his serve he's

104:30 - 104:35

just wiped that away and played two

104:32 - 104:35


104:42 - 104:48

points way back on the second serve

104:45 - 104:48

again he's going to get this ball in

104:49 - 104:56

play no he's not oh what a surprise

104:53 - 105:01

good second serve from federa

104:56 - 105:02

15 close to the sideline swinging

105:01 - 105:05


105:02 - 105:09

away looking to find The Mark with the

105:05 - 105:09

first serve here

105:27 - 105:34

first double F of the match that hurt an

105:31 - 105:37

hour and 45

105:34 - 105:37

in it's only

105:37 - 105:42


105:39 - 105:46

second first of the match ninth of the

105:42 - 105:46

tournament doesn't serve many

105:59 - 106:04

304 smash was definitely a bit deeper

106:02 - 106:06

than feder would expected not always

106:04 - 106:10

easy at this time of day with the sun

106:06 - 106:10

coming into the stadium

106:54 - 107:00

wow well done

106:57 - 107:00


107:02 - 107:10

unbelievable gasps from the crowd as

107:06 - 107:12

ball after ball dips in with top SP it's

107:10 - 107:13

the timing it's the footwork it's the

107:12 - 107:15

consistency it's how close they hit to

107:13 - 107:19


107:15 - 107:20

lines all at the most important moment

107:19 - 107:24

of the

107:20 - 107:26

match thank you just knocking in a quick

107:24 - 107:29

872 meter sprint there feder a break

107:26 - 107:29


107:34 - 107:37


107:38 - 107:48

Still pushes probes and prods an

107:43 - 107:48

noise third break point of the game

107:57 - 108:00

let's for

108:03 - 108:09

service going to need to make this court

108:06 - 108:09

bigger if Nadal gets any further

108:19 - 108:24

back thanks to for so when he needs it

108:25 - 108:29

talked about the onew punch with the

108:27 - 108:31


108:29 - 108:34

forand he looking for the serve volley

108:31 - 108:40

here Boris like

108:34 - 108:40

to if I were him I would do that

108:53 - 108:56


109:31 - 109:36

what a message point that is for madal

109:34 - 109:40

on the 25th shot

109:36 - 109:41

Advantage the rally to miss a

109:40 - 109:44


109:41 - 109:49

forehand it's a raer sort of

109:44 - 109:49

point a raer point won by Roger

110:03 - 110:09

what a game to get out of the Miss on

110:06 - 110:12

the second serve return when he had not

110:09 - 110:13

30 will disappoint Nadal and so will the

110:12 - 110:15


110:13 - 110:19

points holds for

110:15 - 110:23

4-1 games to one that sets one

110:19 - 110:25

t I never got an answer about your great

110:23 - 110:28

rivalries my

110:25 - 110:30

apologies no I'm uh with Tim on that one

110:28 - 110:33

that this is an individual Sport and and

110:30 - 110:36

team sport as much as I look like the

110:33 - 110:38

German English raving football or I'm

110:36 - 110:40

into the golf boxing similarities you

110:38 - 110:42

know the great Muhammad Ali against

110:40 - 110:45

anybody the great Michael Jordan yes his

110:42 - 110:47

basketball but the Great Tiger Woods

110:45 - 110:50

doties but I think these two players

110:47 - 110:52

transcends our sport uh it's more than

110:50 - 110:55

just a tennis R we we spoke about about

110:52 - 110:57

sport Ries and and these two players are

110:55 - 111:00

I will be the most popular Sportsmen

110:57 - 111:02

well may I ask you you were with Novak

111:00 - 111:05

during some of his greatest

111:02 - 111:08

triumphs did he feel unloved compared to

111:05 - 111:10

these two well we had discussions about

111:08 - 111:13

it and and obviously Novak has millions

111:10 - 111:15

of fans himself but then you're talking

111:13 - 111:17

about two of the most popular Sportsmen

111:15 - 111:19

not just tennis players and it's it's a

111:17 - 111:21

very difficult contest and I think by

111:19 - 111:23

now he doesn't care so much anymore he

111:21 - 111:24

know who he is

111:23 - 111:27

but there was a time when it bothered

111:24 - 111:27


111:27 - 111:34

yes time but talking about this contact

111:30 - 111:37

is becoming a very physical contact and

111:34 - 111:39

that's something Nadal strives for so

111:37 - 111:42

I'm not sure how much longer feder can

111:39 - 111:43

keep up this 25 30 shot rally but he

111:42 - 111:45

does for the

111:43 - 111:48

moment for me it was interesting the

111:45 - 111:50

reaction of freder when he won that game

111:48 - 111:52

you know he doesn't show much emotion

111:50 - 111:54

he's pretty cool Cal and collected on

111:52 - 111:57

the court but there was a a proper fist

111:54 - 112:01

bump up to his box he knew the value of

111:57 - 112:01

holding serve having got that

112:02 - 112:07

break thank you ladies and gentlemen

112:42 - 112:46

love for team

113:14 - 113:19

what a bizarre rally gives F love

113:21 - 113:29

30 do such as the the the torque coming

113:24 - 113:33

through his legs he just lost his

113:29 - 113:35

footing just got the ball over Nadal's

113:33 - 113:36

head fedra followed it in and now here's

113:35 - 113:39

a chance

113:36 - 113:43

to close out this set in effect two

113:39 - 113:43

breaks would be good enough for

113:44 - 113:50

most it seems like fedra has Nadal on

113:46 - 113:50

the Run

113:57 - 114:01

15 touchy

114:37 - 114:40

it's one of the joys of watching sport

114:38 - 114:42

you do not know what's going to go on

114:40 - 114:44

the amount of talk about this match but

114:42 - 114:47

who saw this momentum Shi coming well

114:44 - 114:48

it's almost a a complete reverse of the

114:47 - 114:51


114:48 - 114:53

set Nadal was able to get on top there

114:51 - 114:56

and run away with it

114:53 - 114:59

one feder with these breakpoint

114:56 - 114:59

opportunities for the double

115:08 - 115:13


115:10 - 115:15

304 you talked about the message Point

115:13 - 115:17

Andrew early on when Roger W that long

115:15 - 115:19

rally I think that is bothering natal at

115:17 - 115:24

the moment that Roger wins the long

115:19 - 115:24

rally not theand as he's used to

115:37 - 115:40

to Fabulous points from Nadal and he

115:40 - 115:45


115:40 - 115:47

know that a hole here is set very much

115:45 - 115:51

alive still you think it's going to be

115:47 - 115:56

easy for fedra to hold

115:51 - 115:56

twice to win the set I don't think

116:19 - 116:24

so Advantage NAD

116:25 - 116:31


116:27 - 116:31


116:39 - 116:42

let's for service

117:03 - 117:08

well that tells you what you need to

117:04 - 117:11

know about the competitive Spirit of B

117:08 - 117:13

thead feder leads by four games to two

117:11 - 117:15

having played himself into a winning

117:13 - 117:19

position in this set feder has to serve

117:15 - 117:20

at 42 he's just the one break ahead very

117:19 - 117:24


117:20 - 117:24

margin and like Nadal down on the other

117:24 - 117:30

end 25 seconds between points Nadal just

117:28 - 117:34

getting settled here Cho ofong in the

117:30 - 117:37

chair Mr Kong the ire just keeping an

117:34 - 117:37

eye on the time

117:44 - 117:47


118:05 - 118:09

well it's another rapper point one by

118:07 - 118:09

Roger isn't

118:12 - 118:18

it 19 shots this time and it's not easy

118:16 - 118:22

with the ball coming in and out of the

118:18 - 118:26

shade very bright

118:22 - 118:26

in that Southeast corner for

118:46 - 118:54

Nadal love we've seen it over and over

118:50 - 118:57

again f up dictate getting the first

118:54 - 118:57

shot of the rally with his

119:02 - 119:09


119:04 - 119:09

49 first point of the game

119:10 - 119:16

crucial it has set the tone for the mini

119:14 - 119:22

contest that

119:16 - 119:22

continued straightforward so far 40 love

119:30 - 119:37


119:34 - 119:40


119:37 - 119:43

14 wonder what

119:40 - 119:44

he's concerned about up there he's got

119:43 - 119:46

all the family up there he's got his

119:44 - 119:48

sister his dad in the back with the blue

119:46 - 119:50

cat with the Rafer Academy hat on

119:48 - 119:54

Francisco Roy on the right hand side

119:50 - 119:54

agent Carlos Coster on the left

120:07 - 120:13

dad a relatively comfortable hold after

120:09 - 120:13

the brutal first

120:13 - 120:18

rally playing conditions have changed

120:15 - 120:20

here Tim haven't they on Center Court

120:18 - 120:22

goodness knows you both have spent time

120:20 - 120:24

out there but at this time of the night

120:22 - 120:26

now that the roof profile is a little

120:24 - 120:28


120:26 - 120:31

higher don't get quite so much sun

120:28 - 120:34

stretching out quite so long but it is

120:31 - 120:34

bad in that particular

120:35 - 120:40

corner and that's where the the

120:38 - 120:42

players boxes so we've seen a lovely

120:40 - 120:45

selection of dark glasses over the years

120:42 - 120:48

up there your wife Lucy and friends and

120:45 - 120:51

relatives and family Boris all up there

120:48 - 120:53

and there's nothing they can do yeah as

120:51 - 120:55

a coach a problem because obviously you

120:53 - 120:57

want to you know see the match and I

120:55 - 121:00

like to watch My Guy play without my

120:57 - 121:02

sunglasses I see better but you can't

121:00 - 121:04

until the sun is too low and it really

121:02 - 121:06

bothers you and then obviously we don't

121:04 - 121:08

complain about the good weather right

121:06 - 121:10

but I was just going to say you know

121:08 - 121:13

here we are at wilon complaining that

121:10 - 121:13

it's too

121:13 - 121:18

sunny nobody it bothers the players as

121:16 - 121:20

well from that side because the sun is

121:18 - 121:23

very low especially if you're leftand at

121:20 - 121:25

serf you toss up the ball in be St in

121:23 - 121:25


121:26 - 121:33

sun Mera good player

121:30 - 121:35

herself supporting Roger and you know I

121:33 - 121:37


121:35 - 121:39

watching I'm watching his movement for

121:37 - 121:40

fatigue for signs of tness I think

121:39 - 121:42

adrenaline is obviously playing a

121:40 - 121:44

massive part this is a huge match who

121:42 - 121:45

knows how long either of these players

121:44 - 121:48

have left after all the injuries that

121:45 - 121:55

they you ladies and gentlemen at the age

121:48 - 121:55

of what 33 and 37 how old is yep 33

122:02 - 122:07

33 the sun is very low into his

122:16 - 122:24

eyes but just in the context of this

122:20 - 122:26

match the tournament so far Nadal had 9

122:24 - 122:29


122:26 - 122:32

23 other way around federa 9 hours 23

122:29 - 122:35

Nadal 10 hours

122:32 - 122:37

45 for those five matches that's not too

122:35 - 122:37


122:47 - 122:52

tennis beautiful sunglasses

122:59 - 123:04

to what it starts bothering Nadal that

123:02 - 123:08

rer wins to longer Ries you know he's a

123:04 - 123:11

proud man he king of Clays every rally

123:08 - 123:15

that's longer than five usually hits to

123:11 - 123:17

win for the last 15 20 minutes Roger

123:15 - 123:19


123:17 - 123:23

impossible he's playing

123:19 - 123:23

aggressive and playing without mistake

123:33 - 123:36

Stakes K

123:49 - 123:53

tou 30 off

123:58 - 124:05


124:02 - 124:05


124:05 - 124:10

Tony I think he's got one of Rafa's

124:07 - 124:10


124:17 - 124:21

on 43

124:39 - 124:45


124:42 - 124:49

fed had L 30 in that game he had great

124:45 - 124:52

points in Rafa's previous service game

124:49 - 124:55

hasn't taken them Ra's held

124:52 - 124:56

so now a real Moment of Truth after a

124:55 - 124:58

little over two hours of play in this

124:56 - 125:01

semi-final you got Rafa bouncing up and

124:58 - 125:06

down never an easy man to serve

125:01 - 125:06

to a chance to go two sets to one up

125:11 - 125:19

feder oh and it's hit the line and

125:15 - 125:19

stopped that's rough

125:20 - 125:24

Lu and that's what you want to do just

125:22 - 125:28

thinking about that very next

125:24 - 125:28

Point Nothing Else

125:33 - 125:38

Matters couple of timely first serves

125:36 - 125:41


125:38 - 125:44

love gives him a good platform feder in

125:41 - 125:44

an important game

126:03 - 126:11

well fed delighted to see Nadal coming

126:06 - 126:14

in on a chip that sat there

126:11 - 126:17

really but with the four and cross who

126:14 - 126:17

did the damage

126:25 - 126:29

lets for service

126:54 - 126:59

he holds to love under the greatest of

126:57 - 127:02

pressure his serve never

126:59 - 127:05

challenged on the penultimate service

127:02 - 127:08

game a long first point allowed him to

127:05 - 127:09

hold but there lots of first serves

127:08 - 127:13


127:09 - 127:16


127:13 - 127:19

play and I don't think for a minute that

127:16 - 127:21

graa Nadal is is a man to run out of

127:19 - 127:24

ideas but he knows he's got to win the

127:21 - 127:28

next two sets it's as simple as that

127:24 - 127:31

certainly runs off the court no not yet

127:28 - 127:34

changing his

127:31 - 127:36

sh all those first serves in I mean he's

127:34 - 127:38

talked about experience in the past and

127:36 - 127:40

it's easy from the outside Tim just to

127:38 - 127:41

say oh he's a man of vast experience

127:40 - 127:42

it's always going to be something that

127:41 - 127:45

that's going to help him and I guess

127:42 - 127:46

most of the time it would but he himself

127:45 - 127:49

would like to play like an 18-year-old

127:46 - 127:50

again and just with that jiv and I I

127:49 - 127:52

understand what he's talking about yeah

127:50 - 127:55

most definitely I mean we reflect on

127:52 - 127:57

these uh stats in the third set again

127:55 - 127:58

impressive serving from feder impressive

127:57 - 128:01

serving from both players with the

127:58 - 128:02

percentage of first of the points W but

128:01 - 128:05

the breakpoint opportunities is going to

128:02 - 128:06

be key we knew before this match who

128:05 - 128:09

would create the chances who would take

128:06 - 128:11

them in that third set it was federa

128:09 - 128:13

winning one break point but you know

128:11 - 128:17

what I mean about expressing himself on

128:13 - 128:18

court absolutely and and the reality is

128:17 - 128:20

a lot of that is dictated by the

128:18 - 128:22

opponent in in the first set it was very

128:20 - 128:25

much nip and to there wasn't too much to

128:22 - 128:27

show but it was the the second set where

128:25 - 128:29

Nadal was really able to express himself

128:27 - 128:31

because he got the lead early on and and

128:29 - 128:34

uh it was a roll reversal in the third

128:31 - 128:37

so I think fourth set of this match it's

128:34 - 128:40

who can really get the upper hand early

128:37 - 128:43

a lot of people picking Rafa Nadal

128:40 - 128:45

before this match Boris Becker because

128:43 - 128:47

of the form he had coming in were you

128:45 - 128:50

one of them or yeah I was one of them I

128:47 - 128:51

thought Rafa looked in fine form and I

128:50 - 128:54

always felt that the longer the that's

128:51 - 128:56

when the younger player would have an

128:54 - 128:59

advantage but little do we know Roger we

128:56 - 129:01

talked about playing like an 18y old he

128:59 - 129:02

moves like an 18-year-old he's winning

129:01 - 129:06

the long

129:02 - 129:08

rallies he's really pushing Nadal

129:06 - 129:12

physically now which very few men have

129:08 - 129:16

ever done maybe besides jovic

129:12 - 129:16

nobody so we're just watching this

129:17 - 129:23

unfold I think it's still lot of tennis

129:20 - 129:23


129:24 - 129:31

the Championships at the all England

129:27 - 129:34

Club just today and the weekend to run

129:31 - 129:37

and I'm already beginning to miss it

129:34 - 129:40

this time next week so much of it will

129:37 - 129:42

have been deconstructed and nobody will

129:40 - 129:44

be here and the center cour goes to

129:42 - 129:47

sleep once again it really does feel

129:44 - 129:50

like a live thing during the

129:47 - 129:53

Championships to now this potentially is

129:50 - 129:56

a great match at the moment is a very

129:53 - 129:56

good one and totally

129:56 - 130:02

compelling the pressure is on Nadal now

129:59 - 130:02

all of a sudden

130:25 - 130:29

love the team

131:11 - 131:14

15 all

131:19 - 131:22


131:50 - 131:54

and they're all those moments when you

131:52 - 131:57

want to take advantage of the momentum

131:54 - 132:01

you have fedra has the momentum right

131:57 - 132:02

now up to Z one he's playing good tennis

132:01 - 132:05

he's gotting her down the ropes right

132:02 - 132:05


132:28 - 132:31

well done by the SP

132:33 - 132:40

yet he needs to serice game

132:36 - 132:40

now to steady the

132:44 - 132:52

ship one way of protecting your face

132:46 - 132:52

from the Sun I wonder who's under there

133:13 - 133:17

that was a second

133:15 - 133:21


133:17 - 133:21

heavy kicking 4

133:23 - 133:28

they looked happier the last couple

133:25 - 133:31

matches they look more relaxed they know

133:28 - 133:31

what's at stake

134:06 - 134:11


134:08 - 134:13

game well at 24 years of age Nadal of

134:11 - 134:18

course 33 now but back then he was the

134:13 - 134:20

youngest to complete the set of all four

134:18 - 134:22

grand slam championships the major

134:20 - 134:24

sports the major events in tennis he won

134:22 - 134:28

the US Open in

134:24 - 134:31

2010 both of these BLS have won Olympic

134:28 - 134:35

gold medals as well singles and doubles

134:31 - 134:38

for rafan adal just doubles for

134:35 - 134:38

fedra with Stan

134:39 - 134:44

binka just having

134:41 - 134:46

some troubles at the moment with his

134:44 - 134:48


134:46 - 134:50

foot I think he called out during that

134:48 - 134:52

last game to his box that maybe he needs

134:50 - 134:56

a new orthotic sticks in his shoes think

134:52 - 134:56

it was his trainer that's gone running

134:56 - 135:02

off rafao

135:00 - 135:04

go fetch some more shoes from the locker

135:02 - 135:07

probably have about

135:04 - 135:08

15 15 pairs oh all sorts of people in

135:07 - 135:10

there that there's Hugh Grant up there

135:08 - 135:11

he plays a bit of tennis any about but

135:10 - 135:15


135:11 - 135:17

Le two times he had possession of all

135:15 - 135:20

four major championships at the same

135:17 - 135:20

time crazy

135:23 - 135:27

and a lot of years here when he was

135:25 - 135:29

professional but the game wasn't so he

135:27 - 135:33

couldn't even play so any debate about

135:29 - 135:33

the greatest should include rocket

135:40 - 135:44

Rod it's because Nadal standing so far

135:43 - 135:47

behind the

135:44 - 135:49

Baseline f a lot of time to Val this

135:47 - 135:52

time doesn't even have to hit the best

135:49 - 135:52

drop shot so the short

136:08 - 136:17

one 1

136:11 - 136:17


136:22 - 136:25


136:42 - 136:56


136:57 - 137:04

has anyone actually checked feder's

137:00 - 137:08

passport I mean he's diving around like

137:04 - 137:08

young whipper snapper

137:23 - 137:28

the footwork is

137:25 - 137:31

incredible and the ball would have hit

137:28 - 137:33

anybody else's back end he was so fast

137:31 - 137:35

over there to hit that forehand and with

137:33 - 137:39

his grip to get

137:35 - 137:39

underneath find the

137:49 - 137:54

angle just lovely

137:51 - 137:57

from both players absolutely

137:54 - 137:59

Majestic one game over it seems that so

137:57 - 138:01

few of the points end in unforced erors

137:59 - 138:03

there are so many winners been struck by

138:01 - 138:04

both players emphasizing the quality of

138:03 - 138:07


138:04 - 138:09

tennis when you think of sit pass and

138:07 - 138:12


138:09 - 138:15

and hasanov and others who try to break

138:12 - 138:19

into this and others who have failed in

138:15 - 138:19

the past good luck

138:50 - 138:52


138:58 - 139:03

love we did a lot of reflecting on the

139:01 - 139:05

2008 final and I would say one shot that

139:03 - 139:09

is so much better for federa is the

139:05 - 139:13

backand new racket big ah head but wow

139:09 - 139:13

is he aggressive today

139:44 - 139:51

set getting a lot of pressure on the

139:48 - 139:53

now just wondering the's more aggressive

139:51 - 139:56

second Serv 101 miles an hour but feder

139:53 - 140:01

taking it early driving the back

139:56 - 140:02

end rushing Nadal into the era he knows

140:01 - 140:06

he wants to get it done in four he

140:02 - 140:06

doesn't want to go in five

140:19 - 140:23


140:21 - 140:23


140:25 - 140:28

counts are we going to be looking back

140:27 - 140:31


140:28 - 140:35

this shot in a couple of minutes couple

140:31 - 140:35

of games or a couple of

140:35 - 140:43

sets we'll find

140:38 - 140:43

out sorry but not that sorry

140:58 - 141:04

that was not a cleanly struck forehand

141:00 - 141:08

from Nadal it allow fedra to get his

141:04 - 141:10

feet into position plenty of time skip

141:08 - 141:12


141:10 - 141:15

bang but the damage was again done by

141:12 - 141:18

the back and crosscourt opening up the

141:15 - 141:22

court look at this

141:18 - 141:24

bis drama every time he hits a forehand

141:22 - 141:24

both of

141:44 - 141:50

them how' you do

141:46 - 141:51

that the return was exactly as feder

141:50 - 141:56

would have wanted

141:51 - 142:00

firm to the back hand it backed Nadal

141:56 - 142:03


142:00 - 142:06

up he just crunches another winner to

142:03 - 142:06

save a break point here's

142:12 - 142:18

another let's for service M fed is

142:16 - 142:21

challenging a call on the right near

142:18 - 142:23

sideline they all scored

142:21 - 142:34

he wants to see a second certainly

142:23 - 142:35


142:34 - 142:39


142:35 - 142:44

service Mr federa has two challenges

142:39 - 142:44

remaining the devil lies in the detail

142:55 - 143:01

FS Mr Nadal is challenging a call on the

142:59 - 143:05

right near s side line the ball's got

143:01 - 143:09

out I like it well umpires are meant to

143:05 - 143:13

only overall on a clear mistake well

143:09 - 143:13

done James

143:16 - 143:21

K not just the players on their game

143:28 - 143:34

malal looks down but he knows that ball

143:30 - 143:35

was good what a return what a moment

143:34 - 143:37

it's a

143:35 - 143:41

break and the scoreboard has a

143:37 - 143:44

delightful symmetry for federa fans two

143:41 - 143:49

sets to one two games to one he closing

143:44 - 143:49

in on a famous Victory long way to go

143:55 - 144:02

coming over this backand has been great

143:59 - 144:05

tactic from feder and his backand Boris

144:02 - 144:09

fair to say that it has improved

144:05 - 144:11

because of the Ming that Nadal gave it

144:09 - 144:15

so many times you thought how is Roger

144:11 - 144:17

ever going to resist think forehand very

144:15 - 144:20

much so was a real weakness early in his

144:17 - 144:23

career you know he had the backand lice

144:20 - 144:25

and he could hit over but ultimately

144:23 - 144:28

Nadal had the opening there but he

144:25 - 144:31

worked on his game he watched tape

144:28 - 144:33

strategy with his coach s litle

144:31 - 144:36

ultimately realized that the only way

144:33 - 144:39

for me to have a chance is to go over

144:36 - 144:42

the back hand hit hard step into the

144:39 - 144:44

court hit the ball early now that's also

144:42 - 144:47

easy talking about it had some great

144:44 - 144:50

matches at Wimbledon this year Coco go

144:47 - 144:52

has been a big story of course she went

144:50 - 144:54

out to palona

144:52 - 144:58

herto was a captivating match I thought

144:54 - 145:01

Dan Evans and Susu was wonderful to

144:58 - 145:02

watch some of the matches perhaps not on

145:01 - 145:04

the show courts have been equally

145:02 - 145:08


145:04 - 145:11

but this may yet build into a fifth set

145:08 - 145:15

but it's going to thank you be up to RFA

145:11 - 145:15

madal to change things

145:29 - 145:33

let's second service

145:53 - 146:01


145:59 - 146:07


146:01 - 146:07

Baseline exchanges that have been won by

146:12 - 146:18

federa D is seriously engag with his box

146:30 - 146:33


146:36 - 146:44

love and over and over

146:39 - 146:44

again it's fedra wins to rallies

147:08 - 147:11

40 low

147:20 - 147:22


147:23 - 147:27

p he's got the ball and his opponent on

147:26 - 147:30

a string at the

147:27 - 147:30


147:31 - 147:38

moment fed leads by three games to one

147:35 - 147:41

having lost that second set 6-1 the

147:38 - 147:43

momentum was entirely with the great

147:41 - 147:47

Spaniard fed came

147:43 - 147:50

back remember that long 25 stroke rally

147:47 - 147:50

it was 63

147:51 - 147:57

now 3-1 and this is a free game for

147:54 - 147:59

Roger fedra he can go for this he

147:57 - 148:01

already has the

147:59 - 148:05

break it's a free game for federa but a

148:01 - 148:05

must-win game for Nadal

148:07 - 148:14


148:44 - 148:49


148:47 - 148:54

tell you what I expect Nadal to rise

148:49 - 148:54

again yeah push F more than he

148:55 - 149:02

has Bard is a

148:58 - 149:02

champion there a history of coming

149:11 - 149:15

back 49

149:42 - 149:50

second surf

149:45 - 149:50

40 did a curious on that one

149:52 - 149:58

that was another great match actually in

149:54 - 150:01

its way wasn't it really entertaining

149:58 - 150:03

stuff Nadal beating the Australian who

150:01 - 150:05

has shown him so much disrespect in his

150:03 - 150:09


150:05 - 150:11

view that was only last week seems like

150:09 - 150:14

a month

150:11 - 150:14

ago been busy

150:16 - 150:21


150:18 - 150:21

that's game

150:22 - 150:28


150:23 - 150:31


150:28 - 150:32

leads by three games to two sets one

150:31 - 150:35

thing that has changed in the 11 years

150:32 - 150:37

since that great match in 2008 I think

150:35 - 150:39

is the level of personal respect and

150:37 - 150:42

also personal knowledge between these

150:39 - 150:43

two obviously their place in the history

150:42 - 150:46

of the game

150:43 - 150:48

is it's obvious they're right at the top

150:46 - 150:51

both of them and always will be in terms

150:48 - 150:54

of matches one Wom

150:51 - 150:57

fedra 100 matches by beating the

150:54 - 151:00

Shori he also leads at the Australian

150:57 - 151:03

Open where he's won 97 matches Rafael

151:00 - 151:06

Nadal at the French Open 93 matches and

151:03 - 151:10

Jimmy Connors at the US Open the last of

151:06 - 151:14

the majors he's won 8 so in terms of the

151:10 - 151:17

record books we can just go on and

151:14 - 151:19

on what a message this will be from

151:17 - 151:22

Roger feder if he has a crack no back on

151:19 - 151:25

Sunday what a Triumph it would be for a

151:22 - 151:25

man who's 38 next

151:26 - 151:31

month and in fact these two Tim have won

151:29 - 151:35

more matches than anybody else on tour

151:31 - 151:35

this year 37 matches

151:35 - 151:40

each speaks volum for the work they do

151:38 - 151:40

off the

151:46 - 151:53

cour F shaking his legs a little bit

151:49 - 151:53

serving with new balls thank

151:53 - 151:56

you ready for

152:13 - 152:16

play 15

152:17 - 152:24

low second serve how often do you see

152:21 - 152:28

Nadal looking as negative as that I mean

152:24 - 152:28

I know that's not much but

152:40 - 152:43


152:44 - 152:49

15 time is able to hit it back quite

152:47 - 152:53

long and taking a chance on that backand

152:49 - 152:53

hitting the line

153:08 - 153:12


153:33 - 153:36


153:37 - 153:41

this time it's Nadal who

153:47 - 154:01

prevails 36 shots

153:50 - 154:01


154:18 - 154:24

h he is so

154:21 - 154:25

cross feder has only made one first

154:24 - 154:28

serve in this game

154:25 - 154:31

and Nal knows when he gets a look at the

154:28 - 154:35

second serve he's got to do a better job

154:31 - 154:35

of winning those points

154:43 - 154:55


154:52 - 154:58

40 feder's body language really hasn't

154:55 - 155:01

changed since the first point of the

154:58 - 155:04

match oh was it

155:01 - 155:04


155:07 - 155:12

ke he's another step closer to a wimon

155:17 - 155:23

final and Rel lead but games to two

155:24 - 155:29

offet federa seeded at number two

155:27 - 155:31

despite being at world number three

155:29 - 155:35

Nadal seated three despite being world

155:31 - 155:36

number two irritating for Nadal before

155:35 - 155:39

the tournament he was happy to share

155:36 - 155:39


155:58 - 156:06


156:02 - 156:06

loveen in terms of

156:06 - 156:12

seeding a formula that they use that

156:09 - 156:12

takes into account grasscourt

156:13 - 156:18

form rather than just going straight off

156:15 - 156:18

the ranking

156:20 - 156:24

better is the best ever on this

156:27 - 156:30

surface having said that he lost last

156:29 - 156:32

year in the quarters to Anderson where

156:30 - 156:36

Nadal reached the

156:32 - 156:36

semi-final losing in five to

156:45 - 156:51

jakovich 15

156:48 - 156:51


157:12 - 157:17


157:13 - 157:17


157:39 - 157:41


157:41 - 157:48

amazing he hit that so

157:45 - 157:51

hard the ball seem to be too low to do

157:48 - 157:51


157:53 - 157:58

the only way that could be in given all

157:56 - 158:02

of the physics

157:58 - 158:04

involved is to hit the outside edge so

158:02 - 158:04


158:04 - 158:09

did can say that things are going his

158:15 - 158:20

way timely first serve there from the

158:18 - 158:22


158:20 - 158:24

403 teetering on the brink in this

158:22 - 158:28


158:24 - 158:28

set he keeps holding

158:30 - 158:35

on wants to keep asking Roger the

158:32 - 158:35


158:37 - 158:41

question let's for service

159:01 - 159:13


159:10 - 159:16

and Rel leads by four games to three off

159:13 - 159:16

sets about two sets to

159:16 - 159:21

one talk about the ultimate competitor

159:19 - 159:23

and you can pick any of them

159:21 - 159:26

really at the top of the game Novak

159:23 - 159:29

jovic who awaits in Sunday's final

159:26 - 159:32

having beaten Bautista aut fantastic

159:29 - 159:35

Spanish effort to get two men into the

159:32 - 159:35

semi-finals of the

159:35 - 159:39

Championships but either Rafa or or

159:38 - 159:41

Roger there's nothing to choose between

159:39 - 159:43

the way they compete the spirit of the

159:41 - 159:47

two guys

159:43 - 159:50

is so strong on the court dominant

159:47 - 159:52

personalities both of them

159:50 - 159:55

he's qualified for the ATP finals

159:52 - 159:58

already which take place in November at

159:55 - 159:59

the O2 that's a 15th year for him so

159:58 - 160:04


159:59 - 160:06

tennis in this city later on this

160:04 - 160:09

year not overly happy that it's not

160:06 - 160:12

played on Clay once in a while played

160:09 - 160:13

indoors two more years in London having

160:12 - 160:15

that said that he has a history of

160:13 - 160:18

injuries usually the end of the year he

160:15 - 160:20

takes a week or two even more off his

160:18 - 160:23

main focus was will always be this time

160:20 - 160:25

of the year winning the French and then

160:23 - 160:30

doing well

160:25 - 160:34

here it's trying to match be on Bor in

160:30 - 160:37

winning the French Wimbledon double for

160:34 - 160:37

a third time NAD

161:01 - 161:05

the first one with an error and when

161:04 - 161:07

you're trying to break back and you're

161:05 - 161:09

trying to make any break or serve the

161:07 - 161:11

first point is so important and couple

161:09 - 161:13

of times it's Nadal that's made those

161:11 - 161:17

mistakes it just gives feather of that

161:13 - 161:17

platform to build from

161:25 - 161:35

what did you say about going his

161:27 - 161:35


161:36 - 161:42

way he smelt the corner he anticipated

161:58 - 162:03

1 but one thing Nadal will always do

162:01 - 162:06

fight until the end it doesn't matter

162:03 - 162:10

the score line it doesn't matter the

162:06 - 162:10


162:16 - 162:20

opponent the accuracy

162:23 - 162:28

14 of that serve from feder is just

162:26 - 162:32

phenomenal time and time again finding

162:28 - 162:32

the center service line

162:36 - 162:53


162:49 - 162:56

leads by five games to three set Boris

162:53 - 162:58

you're impressed by Roger body language

162:56 - 162:59

unbelievable I haven't seen him Focus

162:58 - 163:01

like this in a long time maybe the last

162:59 - 163:04

time he won a

163:01 - 163:07

major was 18 months

163:04 - 163:11

ago Australian

163:07 - 163:16

Open five sets against this

163:11 - 163:16

man let's for service

163:38 - 163:44

that might be the only time when the Dal

163:40 - 163:49

turns it in he said if that goes in I'm

163:44 - 163:49

off not taking any prisoners today

163:58 - 164:08


164:05 - 164:12

15 if fedra had a kitchen sink right now

164:08 - 164:12

he would be throwing that as well

164:28 - 164:33

correction and fedra is doing the right

164:30 - 164:36

thing by aiding James Kong there he's

164:33 - 164:40

walking he knows full well that that Mis

164:36 - 164:44

call did not affect in any way his

164:40 - 164:44

return just move on

164:52 - 164:55


164:58 - 165:01

thank you

165:20 - 165:25

unusual looking back from gra and adal

165:23 - 165:25


165:26 - 165:30

stretched it's almost the one-handed Top

165:28 - 165:33

Spin backand from the

165:30 - 165:36

do see the way Rogers hit his and maybe

165:33 - 165:36

fany's a one

165:42 - 165:50

handed oh did he need to play

165:46 - 165:51

that 403 now copying the one-handed Top

165:50 - 165:53

Spin back and he thought I might as well

165:51 - 165:56

start serving and volleying first time

165:53 - 165:56

in the

166:00 - 166:05

match expect the unexpected

166:38 - 166:45

that's good it's better than good I mean

166:42 - 166:50

him it's

166:45 - 166:50

fabulous and again no emotion nothing

166:50 - 166:58

Welling keeps it all

166:54 - 166:58


167:03 - 167:06


167:12 - 167:20

together Mr oh challenged on the service

167:17 - 167:24

line the B got in ah it's funny cuz if

167:20 - 167:27

he's wrong and he's smiling with rapper

167:24 - 167:27

it was actually a perfect

167:27 - 167:35

return oh wow and if he hadn't

167:30 - 167:39

challenged he'd be match point I know oh

167:35 - 167:39

Mr fed has one challenge

167:39 - 167:45

remaining boy hopefully it's not going

167:41 - 167:49

to hunt thank you a great twist

167:45 - 167:49

please that's a first

168:13 - 168:16

it would have it could have it should

168:14 - 168:18


168:16 - 168:21

M I think fedus should have just lost

168:18 - 168:22

that point so that psychologically he

168:21 - 168:24

said look oh I wouldn't have won the

168:22 - 168:27


168:24 - 168:29


168:27 - 168:33

amazing back to

168:29 - 168:33

juice still two points from

168:42 - 168:48

Victory and now he does have a match

168:45 - 168:48


168:56 - 169:02

another early strike off the Nadal

168:59 - 169:05

serve and this 40th meeting between

169:02 - 169:09

these two great

169:05 - 169:09

Champions well they may be one point to

169:14 - 169:18

play no no

169:20 - 169:28

got a whole set and a half to go from

169:22 - 169:32


169:28 - 169:35

here that match point was at 729 just in

169:32 - 169:35

case we have to come back to

169:36 - 169:42

it Advantage another

169:40 - 169:44


169:42 - 169:48

up game point

169:44 - 169:48


169:50 - 169:54

when the last match here 11 years ago

169:52 - 169:57

there was a match point in the fourth

169:54 - 170:02

set as well it went to five just

169:57 - 170:02

saying let for service

170:21 - 170:36


170:33 - 170:39

juice that weakness is looking mighty

170:36 - 170:42

strong his backhand has been phenomenal

170:39 - 170:42

today federa

171:03 - 171:08

it's well handled from fedra the ball

171:05 - 171:11

hit the line and stopped he was able

171:08 - 171:14

to just half check on the back hand got

171:11 - 171:17

it back into play it's a second match

171:14 - 171:17


171:37 - 171:39

defend it

171:40 - 171:44

again yes

171:51 - 171:54


172:20 - 172:27

Nadal simply Unleashed a back

172:24 - 172:31

hand to get the opportunity to move

172:27 - 172:35

forward on the forehand and that's as

172:31 - 172:35

much to Roger fedra as it is to his

172:46 - 172:53

Camp two match points save Nal holds

172:49 - 172:53

thedra will serve for

173:03 - 173:06

it two

173:10 - 173:16

sets this is uh very unfortunate for

173:14 - 173:18

madal who's undoing the taping we

173:16 - 173:19

thought that he might have a problem

173:18 - 173:22


173:19 - 173:26

his his shoes maybe some Orthotics he's

173:22 - 173:29

probably got six or seven pairs on

173:26 - 173:31

rotation tennis players feet are really

173:29 - 173:34

not as beautiful as the game they play

173:31 - 173:37

and he plays without tape now which is

173:34 - 173:38

unusual he has a lot of injury problems

173:37 - 173:41

in the

173:38 - 173:45

past want to tape their ankle just for a

173:41 - 173:47

double protection he takes it off and

173:45 - 173:50

also it's going to take a little bit of

173:47 - 173:51

time and Nadal's not exactly quick

173:50 - 173:55

between games and feder is coming out to

173:51 - 173:59

serve 54 fourth

173:55 - 173:59

set and Nadal is still putting his shoes

174:03 - 174:09

on the Moment of Truth serving for the

174:06 - 174:12

match well to his credit Nadal is not

174:09 - 174:16

taking a medical or anything seen plenty

174:12 - 174:19

of players do so in situations that

174:16 - 174:21

don't need it

174:19 - 174:23

conversation with the Umpire

174:21 - 174:26


174:23 - 174:26

though all right here we

174:32 - 174:37

go unfolding in front of our

174:39 - 174:45

eyes Nadal still fiddling with his laces

174:42 - 174:48

there feder's backed off he's come up to

174:45 - 174:50

the Baseline he's looked away

174:48 - 174:53

and if feder is a little bit cross with

174:50 - 174:53

that you wouldn't know

175:00 - 175:06

ital has challenged the ball on the left

175:02 - 175:06

near side line the ball's good

175:07 - 175:13

in everyone's pretty tight right now

175:20 - 175:26

love Mr Nadal has one challenge

175:23 - 175:26


175:56 - 176:04


175:58 - 176:04

on still a long way to go

176:04 - 176:07


176:28 - 176:30


176:36 - 176:41

hitting at this stage of the

176:39 - 176:44

match to maintain the timing on those

176:41 - 176:48

virtual half

176:44 - 176:48

fies incredible

176:56 - 177:05

long Mr fed is challenging the ball on

177:00 - 177:05

the left basine the ball scor

177:05 - 177:12


177:09 - 177:12


177:12 - 177:17

yep Mr federa has no more challenges

177:15 - 177:22


177:17 - 177:22

oh no challenges remaining thank

177:24 - 177:28

you let's for

177:32 - 177:35


177:46 - 177:50

service a oh I don't think I've seen him

177:49 - 177:53


177:50 - 177:56


177:53 - 177:56

overhead this

177:56 - 178:01

decade but it was the forehand that

177:59 - 178:05

should have gone away that one just got

178:01 - 178:05

low popped over the

178:07 - 178:15

Baseline thank you Nadal made him play a

178:10 - 178:15

tough ball players are ready thank you

178:41 - 178:44

oh the ler

178:53 - 178:57

time and again as the rallies have

178:55 - 179:00

extended even in the most

178:57 - 179:02

precious and difficult moments it's fer

179:00 - 179:04

that's come out on

179:02 - 179:10

top 11

179:04 - 179:10

shots theal cannot believe it

179:23 - 179:28


179:24 - 179:31

Le the first volley was beautifully

179:28 - 179:31

executed the

179:31 - 179:36


179:34 - 179:40

Sublime and

179:36 - 179:41

Roger stays calm no

179:40 - 179:46


179:41 - 179:48

emotions walks away now thank you ladies

179:46 - 179:52

and gentlemen that's called tunnel

179:48 - 179:52

television thank you

180:40 - 180:46

oh this forehand he's just a force of

180:43 - 180:49

nature isn't he Nadal look at this W

180:46 - 180:49

that was on number 20

180:52 - 180:58

four don't worry about that clock give

180:55 - 181:03

him a bit of time to rest three hours

180:58 - 181:03

ofe wonderful sport another Match Point

181:10 - 181:18

gone CH Beav like the last round it

181:14 - 181:20

didn't happen the ball in well madal is

181:18 - 181:22

wrong on this he'll be out of challenges

181:20 - 181:24

but he'll soon be out of time as well so

181:22 - 181:29

he won't need

181:24 - 181:33

them SP Mr Nadal has point on his own

181:29 - 181:36

serve fed had a couple on Nadal serve

181:33 - 181:36

thank you

181:52 - 181:58

talk about bringing out the best in each

181:56 - 182:00

other just when we thought it doesn't

181:58 - 182:00

get any

182:01 - 182:09

better they're lifting each other

182:04 - 182:09


182:10 - 182:15

Spirits White

182:12 - 182:19

pleas feder has gone up the tea with the

182:15 - 182:19

last couple of first serves

182:23 - 182:27

oh he hit that

182:30 - 182:37

well it was a mishit return once again

182:34 - 182:40

Federal's footwork

182:37 - 182:43

magnificent can madal find the answer

182:40 - 182:43


182:44 - 182:47


182:49 - 182:55


182:52 - 182:55

no a little

183:07 - 183:17

early that's away what a contest Roger

183:12 - 183:21

Pedra 37 years of age he's into his 12th

183:17 - 183:21

Wimbledon final

184:09 - 184:15

unbelievable says David be quite right

184:12 - 184:17

it is unbelievable to watch them

184:15 - 184:20


184:17 - 184:22

the patterns of play Are So Beautiful to

184:20 - 184:22


184:30 - 184:35

eye and these two magnificent

184:38 - 184:45

Champions and even now rapper has time

184:41 - 184:47

to sign autograph so this is not

184:45 - 184:49

uncommon it's not for the cameras this

184:47 - 184:51

is just who he is and that's another

184:49 - 184:54

reason why the sport has been so lucky

184:51 - 184:57

to have them both now rafan Nadal has

184:54 - 184:57

just won his 12 French

184:59 - 185:06

Open so it's difficult to feel terribly

185:02 - 185:09

sorry for either of these celebrated and

185:06 - 185:12

endorsed athletes

185:09 - 185:15

but a tough match to lose but a glorious

185:12 - 185:18

contest Boris you enjoy that very much

185:15 - 185:21

so uh f walking off he's still shaking

185:18 - 185:22

his head sort of smiling with himself he

185:21 - 185:24

can't believe how he play that's the

185:22 - 185:27

best I've seen him in a long time and

185:24 - 185:30

and you the other day Rafa

185:27 - 185:32

said he didn't lose the match the

185:30 - 185:36

opponent won it and I think that's what

185:32 - 185:36

rer did today

An Epic Battle: Federer vs. Nadal

In the highly anticipated Wimbledon semifinal match between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, the two tennis legends showcased their incredible skill and determination on the court. The match, which saw Federer emerge as the victor, displayed the relentless competitive spirit and unwavering focus that have defined both players throughout their careers.

A Showdown of Champions

An Intense Duel: Federer's Forehand vs. Nadal's Resilience

A Comeback in Motion: Nadal's Fight to Stay Alive

Federer's Steady March: A Commanding Lead

Nadal's Last Stand: A Battle to the End

As the match unfolded, it became clear that Federer and Nadal were not just playing for themselves, but for the history and legacy of the sport of tennis. Each point was a testament to their skill, dedication, and competitive spirit. The outcome of the match may have favored Federer, but both players proved once again why they are considered among the greatest of all time.

In the end, it was Federer who emerged victorious, securing his spot in the Wimbledon final and showcasing his unwavering determination and focus. The match was a testament to the enduring rivalry and mutual respect between two of tennis's greatest champions. As the players embraced at the net and the crowd cheered their appreciation, it was clear that this match would be remembered as a classic battle between two legends of the sport.